I let her win

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Date night!!!!
I am always excited about them, I would never show tha. If Nate gets even a whiff of my excitement, he will stop date nights and I don't know how I would continue without them.

Earlier we used to do monthly park picnics, the two of us, all of us. Depended on everyone's mood that night
Yess night! Park night picnics
It was my favourite day of the month, we would laugh around, parank people, talk about over dreams and fears.
Everything felt real in those nights

But once Nate realised how excited I am about them he cancelled them.
Before you all go on hating him, he is trying to minimise the damage that he will leave behind once the love of his life Sophie realises her mistake and comes back to Nate.

Atleast I think that is what he is trying to do. I will just pretend a traitorous tear did not just spill from my eye at that thought.

I will just enjoy what I currently have.


On my way to Amelia's to pick her up for date night, I saw Sophie walking home. It was not late but it was already dark outside not a very ideal time to walk home
So I pulled over besides where Sophie was walking and asked if she needed a lift.

You look like you're going somewhere, I don't want to be the reason you're late. Sophie argued

Come on, Sophie your place is on the way. It won't be a problem. You're never a problem- he thought

Sophie slid in and it felt like I had to be on my best behaviour. Which if you know me is quite a task.
We drove in silence.

There were never awkward silences with me and her, every thing was always at ease . That is what I loved about us.
We did not need to fill silence with awkward talk, we were content with just being in each other's presence . Atleast I was.

I dropped her off at her place, she thanked me and drove to Amelia's.
I was a little late due to my detour so she was ready waiting.

Today seemed to be darts kind of night, any game with Amelia is fun. She gets all weirdly competitive and then tries to hide it.
Fails soooo badly but that is fun to watch.

I still remember How she screamed who's your daddy in my face, when she won in pool. She has called me a cheater approximately a 100 times during date nights already.

I always win, but some days I let her win. Ok that is not  what happens but I will say it like that till my last breath.

So let the games begin.

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