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Nate King had the looks of your typical high school heart throb.

Minus the player/bad boy tendencies. He was a sweetheart. Kind. Compassionate. Friendly

Everything anyone wants.

But he had his heart broken, the school's perfect couple was not a reality anymore.

Nobody knows why they broke up, probably not even King.

But how can the King be broken, he has to move on. He has to be perfect for his loyal subjects, so enters me. Amelia, the replacement to his almost perfect girlfriend. Ex- girlfriend

Yes, that is my introduction basically everything that I am, involves Nate.

So let me tell you about my perfect relationship where my perfect boyfriend is in love with somebody else.

A/N----- !!!!!!

The names of the characters on top in capitals are the ones whose POV is represented.Every chapterr has two POVs until specified otherwise.

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