The GF

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-A/N in this just imagine jhope has a gf. ALSO this chapter is dedicated to one of my first readers, and one of my close friends. HER BIRTHDAY IS OCTOBER 2 AND THIS MAY OR MAY NOT BE OUT ON TIME CAUSE I DIDNT HAVE WIFI IM SORRY BUT I WANTED TO MAKE THIS OUT TO HER. HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY UNNIIIEEEEEEEEEE I LOBE UUU SISSSSSSSSSSSSS . YOU NOCE KEEP GOIN SWEGGGGG. There will be another surprise, for my readers and the lucky birthday girl, even tho this is late. Hope u like smut. Jk. Maybe -anyways on to the story-

It was time for the concept photo shoot. It was said that you were going to be paired up in twos

Jin & Namjoon
Jhope & Yin
Yoongi & Jimin
Tae & Jungkook

Everyone was so excited for the photos for the album. It was going to be something new and exciting.
Jhope had brought his girlfriend Vanessa for support. She was his hope, and happiness. He wanted her there to cheer him on. And so did she, by not just as support.....

The photo shoot started off smooth (like a snake) NamJin started, and they had finished their photo shoot and were waiting for the others to finish for the group photo.

It was your turn with jhope.

"Move a little to the left Yin. Be more rough, jhope lean in more"

This was awkward wasn't it. The director telling you to get close and jhope girlfriend being there how..... cliche.

"Sit back to back with jhope, lean closer lay on his back. Jhope sit straight tilt your head. Look them with the eyes of EMOTION"


You guys were sitting back to back leaning on him surrounded by cameras in a colorful suit matching the boys. You and Jhope posed with passion and the emotion of sadness and exhaustion in your eyes, pouting you lips just slightly and him having a slight smirk. You were always like this, when it was time to shoot something or it was on stage, it was always an instinct for u to give off a wicked, sexy stare, glare that could kill.(cringing at the word sexy while writing bruh) This was perfect. But not as much for Vanessa

She was not taking a liking to this at all. She didn't like another woman touching her man, actually she didn't really like You from the start since you are the only girl surrounded by seven attractive guys, that you are not biologically related to.

She was fuming with jealousy. There was one way to get back at you though. Your love of food, it was a stupid thing to do but you loved food so if someone close to you offered you some food that you liked, without question you would stuff it in your mouth.

This was the start to a evil, evil plan.

She held back her jealousy through out the photo shoot for the sake of jhope and the other boys.

-After the photo shoot-

"AWSOME PHOTO SHOOT GUYS" she said with a fake ass smile

"Thx VV" Jhope said with love in his eyes

"Thank you Vanessa" you and the rest said in unison

" I bet you all are tired, how about you all take a nap and I'll make dinner "

"Oh thx Vanessa, Worldwide Handsome here and Yin will help" Jin said smirking literally about to burst into windshield wiper laugh.

"No it's alright, you guys are all tired"

"If you insist I guess"

"FABULOUS, now let's go back to the house and I'll cook"
Her plan was going perfectly

You all had arrived at the house all walking sluggishly to shared rooms. All of you were once again split up in pairs for the rooms.

Jin & Yoongi
Namjoon & Tae
Jhope & Jungkook
Jimin & Yin

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