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Title: DaRK HeArTs ❤️

By : AshleyMistMalichi

Rating: FAO/ For Adults Only

Category: Original Fiction

Characters: Will be introduced in the Prologue and Chapter One, and as they appear in the story. ^^

Genre: General/Misc. Angsty/ eventual BL Romantic, Adventure, Licorice-twist

Song: Morning Song

Artist: Crywolf

~Photo Cover for song, taken by Tim Kellner - 

A/N Warnings: This BOOK of the BluePrint Series is FIRST 

and foremost a BL & m/m M/M.

So, what makes a GOOD BL Story?

For some it is an instant attraction, yet for others?

It is a very s l o w b u r n relationship due to MANY factors, much to the dismay of certain Characters.

Sorry, can't say much more, don't want to give away the Main Plot & multiple Sub plots!

Also, ANY additional Warnings added to the ones above, will be introduced as we go ^^

This BL m/m & M/M (Boys Love, & Man & Man Relationships) spans several Generations; however, to move the story from past to present, in the soon to be revealed flashbacks described, there will be 'some' Het happenings and some Het references, as well as Bi, and confusion of feelings in some situations, along with a lot of BL relationship foundations and further frustrations.

'YOU can't always GET what you want' is MUCH more than some Lyrics from an old 'Stones' Classic; and for most people, it IS a true Fact of Life.

So, there WILL be couples, and breakups, AND makeups, only to twist and go back to breakups; and MANY flipped romantic tables too.

Think GAME of THRONE'S, only instead of heads rolling, it is hearts, ...wait, it IS a Yakuza oriented, um, lol...So expect the unexpected? OH and a butt-load of angsty moments too.

I ask only one thing before you read this Chapter.

"Please read each Chapter fully, no skipping."

THIS Book, IS an Original Story that is part of a Mega Saga Series called, BluePrint.

And it is one that spans MANY years and MANY Generations.

For it to make ANY sense to you, ALL 3 Main books and any Crossovers, will need to be read.

However, ALL of them are ALSO Works In Progress :) Yes, i know, the dreaded WIP's. (the horror!)

I have decided to keep writing these Books this way; and as each BluePrint Book tells their own story, they've also bloomed into something even more.

It is from their assistance in giving a fertile groundwork to the stories yet to be; which have been a HUGE help in fleshing out; and shaping the main pieces of BluePrint's HUGE Puzzle.

They are: 'Foreign Hearts' (TIMELINE: late 50's, 60's 70's and 80's)

'Wild Hearts' (TIMELINE: 80's 90's and early 2000's)

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