Chapter 4

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Consciousness soon returned to Damian, she rolled her head to the side as she felt pain slowly return to her body. Not only did the back of her head hurt but her legs, arms, and stomach did as well.

Slowly, she cracked open her eye-lids before shutting them tightly as a bright light invaded her vision. She groaned quietly in protest as she opened her eyes again. A window of sorts could be seen with metal bars going across it. Damian leaned her head back against the stone walls which were like the floor. Blood stains could bee seen on some of the stones. Damian noticed that there were no longer chains around her wrists but she was trapped in what seemed to be a prison. Slowly, Damian stood up from her sitting position and leaned on the wall for support. She raised her hand to her neck to feel the necklace still there. Lightly, she tugged on it, only for it to burn her fingers as she did so. She quickly let go and sighed. A small crow landed on the window with a scroll attached to it's leg by a thin string.

"Huh?" Damian limped over to the bird and removed the letter.


If you had gone with the plan this never would have happened but I'll make due. Please take care, I'll try to get you out soon.


"He makes it sound like I'm some princess that needs saving." Damian muttered quietly before re-attaching the letter to the birds leg and shooing it away. Damian slid down against the wall into a sitting position as she pulled her knees up to her chest. "What have I done? If I had just kept my movements unknown..If I hadn't told that man where I was going..he never would have found me..I would still be free.." Damian's words grew quieter and jumbled together, if anyone had heard what she was saying they would not know the meaning of the words.

Soon footsteps could be heard echoing off the stone walls of the the corridor. Soon, a man with blonde hair coming from the bottom of his helmet stepped into view. He stopped at Damian's cell and turned to face her, slowly the bulky, heavily armored man released a sigh and shook his head. He removed some keys from his belt and fiddled with the lock for a moment until a quiet click could be heard. The man swung the door open and gestured for Damian to follow him. 

Reluctantly Damian did so, soon, she flung our her leg in an attempt to trip him, only for him to turn around and kick the foot she flung out which caused her to lose her balance and fall. She grunted as she glared back up at the man. 

He simply shook his head in response as he grabbed her arm and pulled her back up to her feet. The man kept his grip on her arm as he drug her along

~time skip~

Damian's PoV

Bright light invaded my eyes as the man pushed open a door, was I going to die? Caspian probably turned me in..but why would they kill me?

My thoughts were interrupted as the man stopped, giving me the perfect opportunity to take off his helmet which I gladly did. Blonde hair fell down as long ears poked out. I let out a quiet gasp as I realized this was an elf..the moment he turned to glare at me I saw those green eyes..blood elf..

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter!!

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