I scoffed and continued to try and walk passed him only for grabbed a hold of my arm resulting in me snatching away. "Don't fucking touch me."

"My apologizes," He raised his hands in surrender. "I just want to talk."

"About what?" I frowned as I eyed him noticing he has some healing bruises on his face. "For a nigga who love to put his hands on females you sure do get beat the fuck up a lot."

He chuckled. "I was jumped, thank you very much."

"Well deserved." I nodded, "What do you want?"

"I'm sorry," He apologized. "And I miss you."

"This wasn't a relationship, Menace. We were fucking, it's a difference. You got me off when I was horny. It was nothing more to me. So, stop showing up at my mufucking apartment like I was ever yours. Go bug your girlfriend, man. Can't believe I'm pregnant by a fucking idiot who doesn't know the difference between fucking and a relationship."

"Gis— wait, pregnant?" He looked at me with knitted eyebrows.

I cursed under my breath when I realized I let that slip from my mouth. How could I be so dumb? I wasn't trying to tell him, or anyone else unless I knew if I wanted to keep this baby or not.

"Did you say you pregnant?" He asked for reassurance.

I exhaled running my fingers through my curly mane. "I found out today; eight weeks."

"Damn, that's two months."

"Clearly." I rolled my eyes.

"Wow..." He backed into his car to lean on it, while scratching the back of his neck. "You have a ultrasound or something?"

"I could've gotten one but I didn't want to have one."

His eyebrows knitted together. "Why not?"

"Because I'm still deciding on if I even want to keep this baby. I don't need a ultrasound as a constant reminder."

"Yeah you keeping the baby, what the fuck. Why even have that thought?"

"If I remember correctly, this is my body." I pointed at myself.

"And my baby. I should have a say so about this shit."

"Menace, bye. I don't know a damn thing about you."

"But you was fucking me." He spat stepping closer to me, "And that's my baby, too. We ain't gotta be dating or fucking anymore. Just don't— don't do what you thinking about."

I stared into his eyes realizing that's the only sincere thing to ever come out of this man mouth. He really wanted me to keep this baby. An abuser with a heart, ain't that something.

"Like I said," I stepped back. "I will think on my decision. Go home."

I spun around and continued to walk. I climbed the stairs of the breezeway and to the apartment door. I unlocked the door, walking inside, and locked the door back behind me. My phone rang in my cross-over bag and I pulled it out. I saw Paradise calling me.

"Hey, P," I answered placing the phone on my ear.

"What you doin?" She asked through the line.

"Just got home from school..." I walked in my bedroom, "And I'm carrying a baby. Congratulations to me."

Her end was silent before she start screaming in my ear. I hurried and pulled the phone from my ear. "Damn, P. Seriously?"

"Sorry. I am so goddamn happy." She squealed.

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