Start from the beginning

"Not at all, love. I didn't mean to make you feel like that."

"Yes well, you did!" Lena had to breathe deeply to regain her composure and as she did she slid her arm out of Klaus' grip. "I'm gonna go talk to my friends, I'll see you later, Klaus." She could feel him watching her as she crossed the dance floor, making a beeline for the pack of werewolves who had all clustered together.

Her eyes narrowed at the blonde Oliver, who was smiling at someone else - when she looked she realised it was Davina - but then she caught sight of Stacey waving at her and decided to leave the werewolf be. He was one of the reasons that Rebekah had nearly died, but Rebekah was not dead, so Lena wasn't going to stir up a fuss quite yet.

"Well look who it is-" sang Lena, throwing her arms out wide,"-the Crescent clan back to themselves!" the werewolves all cheered and Lena found herself grinning as Stacey clung onto her in a tight hug.

"Man I've missed you," she drawled in that bouncy Southern accent of hers, "and damn you do look pretty!" Lena giggled. She spent some more time with the wolves, mainly Stacey and Jackson who had hugged her too, before deciding she wanted to talk to Davina and Carlotta. As she began to make her way towards them, she caught sight of Klaus standing exactly where she had been standing before, looking anything but happy, and her heart swelled. He looked so lonely in a room full of crowded people and she understood that.

So, of course, she changed her course and simply waved to two of her best friends before ascending the stairs again. She had almost reached the hybrid when she caught sight of a familiar redhead and shrunk back into the shadows. Maybe she would say something important. Or maybe Lena didn't know what to do with the hollow feeling inside of her that she felt when Genevieve grinned at Klaus as if she knew all his secrets and more.

"Looking for your little witch?"

Lena hated to think that Genevieve looked really beautiful in her blue dress, but there she was thinking it. She hated that. She wished Genevieve had been ugly, this would have all been so much easier.

"Don't tell me you're jealous of Lena, love," he shot back, smirking at her. He had that lustful look in his eyes that Lena had never seen. She had seen glimmers of it before, but it was never quite as potent. Was that a good thing?

"Just curious as to why you'd seek her company, she seems so... ordinary." Lena's eyes narrowed at the smiling redhead. Lena was not ordinary, how could a metamorphic witch be ordinary? It didn't even make sense.

"Well, sometimes, ordinary is a welcome respite," but it was obvious from the way that Klaus said it that he was holding something back, that he wanted to say something but couldn't. Did he know that Lena was standing there, blended into the shadows, invisible to the mortal eye.

"I thought I was your respite," muttered Genevieve in a way that was obviously meant to be very sexy. The curse of string words going off in Lena's head would give a telepathic a migraine.

"Well, you are, you are! Come on, promise me, not another thought about Lena!" Genevieve grinned and her eyes flickered over to the spot in the shadows in which the young witch was hiding. Lena's eyes widened and she stepped away. Before she could be noticed by Klaus she beat her way through the crowd and came to a panting stop beside Carlotta.

"You look like you've just run a... gara di corsa!"

Lena explained, very quietly, to Carlotta what she had just witnessed between Genevieve and Klaus and the blonde witch expressed her sympathies in very harsh curse words spat out in very angry Italian. She was like fire as she spoke, eyes narrowed into little flames, tongue spitting out embers. Lena wished that Cami could see her. She would have fallen in love.

METAMORPH ... k.mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now