3: printemps secret

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She smiled at emmanuelle as he danced at party that the young adult of the town had put together celebrating the official first day of summer. She picked at the table smoking a cigarette. Every single time she found herself focusing back on Joseph, how his body moved fluidly with the music. She quickly pulled a tuff of her light brown hair behind her ear. She took one last drag before stubbing it out in the ash tray and getting up. Slowly she acclimated her body to the music, her hips softly swaying, hair slightly flashing. She somehow found her way to Joseph as if subconsciously her body moved her there with her own present knowledge. His large hands rested on her slender hips guiding her body with his. She reached her hands back threading her fingers through his hair that was damp with sweat. It felt as if they were the only ones there. A soft hum left her throat when her pulled her flush against him.

"I never expected you to make your way out here...Camilla." He spoke in her ear, his warm breath tickling her. There it was, that heated vibrating sensation at the sound of her name in his mouth. "Especially to dance with me...like this."

She simply laughed, turning and shaking her body down his front slithering her way back up. His smile faltering slight as he watched her move against him, her heart rate and respiration increasing from their already elevated state. He was positive he looked like the cartoon characters when their hearts beat out their chest. He closed his eyes, letting his hands glide over her gripping her to him, grinding them together.


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Camilla lies in a field not to far from the lake that everyone swims in, the field was fairly hidden and lead lay to her favorite hideout, a small shallow spring

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Camilla lies in a field not to far from the lake that everyone swims in, the field was fairly hidden and lead lay to her favorite hideout, a small shallow spring. She sighed blissfully, after the party, she'd split from Joseph and disappeared. She let out a soft squeal, covering her face and giggling like a school girl. He had touched her, in a way showing desire, she sighed again before sitting up. Suddenly she was burning hot again. She peeled off her daisy duke and tube top, unlacing her converse and slowly padding her way to the water. She lowered herself into the freezing water letting out a gasp and enveloped her bare body. She tiptoed deeper where the water hip her waist. She slowly lower herself shivering before fully dropping under. It felt extra cold today because she was extra hot. Her hands explored her body as she envisioned it was Joseph before finding her sweet spot, pure ecstasy flooding threw her.

Quietly she tiptoed into the villa in hope of making no noise, even though if she did it was just summed up as the house groaning from age. As she neared her room she found herself paused before Joseph's a sound catching her attention. She softly stepped to the heavy door pressing her ear against it. The could of the mattress springs squeaking, and headboard slight hitting the wall brought the formation of tears to her eyes, but his groans causing them to fall. She hugged her shoes tighter to her body as she walked to her room. She held her breath as she set foot in her room, placed her shoes down and collapsed into her bed her face smothered by her pillow. She felt so dumb to think that an American man like him was interested in a little French mutt like her who wouldn't even be friends with herself. She didn't sleep that whole night, her tears rolling, soaking her pillow. By the time the sun began to rise her eyes were severely dry and she felt like she had run out of tears for a lifetime. She sat up reaching a pulling a cigarette to her lips, lighting it up more than willing to deal with the craving consequences later.

 She sat up reaching a pulling a cigarette to her lips, lighting it up more than willing to deal with the craving consequences later

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