1: Homme Américain

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She smiled at her as she sat across from her pouring herself a mug of coffee. Today they were expecting another summer student. She was so busy wondering what student they were getting that summer she didn't hear her mother say something to her.

"Mila, is the guest room ready? have you moved your art stuff out of their?" Her mother asked again, shaking her head a laugh lingering at the end.

"Ummm....oh, Oui." She replied sitting back in her seat, "you know not to ask me things before morning coffee."

She couldn't fight the smile at hearing the hearty laugh that left her mother's lips, they heard her father call out that the student was there, her mother quickly stood dusting off her skirt looking over at Mila.

"Quick go put on the clothes I pulled out for you." Her mother rushed in French before disappearing into the home. Mila sighed finishing her coffee grabbing a fresh fruit off the table and rushing up to her room.  She frowned at the outfit before her,

She sighed once again before pulling on what her mother had chosen

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She sighed once again before pulling on what her mother had chosen. She quickly pulled on a pair of high top converse before meeting her parents in the orchard, where they were with the guest.

She paused in the doorway, catching her breath. Her eyes wafted over the tall man beside her father, making his 6' stature look small. She took a deep breath holding it making her way in. She stayed silent as she slipped into the spot beside her mom. She felt her heart beat faster as she looked at his face. His blonde hair falling into her face, his fairly tanned skin sprayed in dark freckles, she found herself fixated on his caramel eyes, speckled with green. The way the sun them, lit it up, making them glow gold. She felt as if she couldn't breathe out. She found herself fidgeting with her rings, completely transfixed on his strong facial structure she didn't even realize that she was involved in the conversation.

"Camila." her mother spoke between her teeth, nudging her.

"oh, yes?" she asked shaking her head slightly. The soft deep laugh from the man before her sending a shiver down her spine, igniting something within her.

"I had asked you what to expect in the villa." the man before her smiled, she could feel herself melt. She nodded speaking "I'll tell you while I show you around."

she looked at her parents them nodding in agreement before dismissing themselves and leaving Camila and the American student alone. She smiled going to grab his bag, him grabbing it before her that laugh rumbling from him once again, He extended his arm, signaling for her to lead the way. She smiled softly crossing her arms and walking whispering for him to follow. As they walked she explained things to him such as the bell for breakfast, lunch and dinner. How the villa staff are more like family but they do not stay on the property after dinner. By the time they arrived at the room which She had in fact not cleaned, turning to see his overwhelmed face.

"That was alot." he spoke, following her into the room "Wow, these are amazing."

She silently watched him walk around slightly touching every piece. She sighed following him in, cleaning up her things and shuffling them to her room that was a room over. She gave him a tight smile placing a fresh sheet on the bed and grabbing him a fresh pillow.

"Call if you need anything, I'm a room over." Camila smiled, waiting for him to respond, he simply turned facing her, a toothy smile on his face "what type of fruit trees are those..Mila."

The way he pronounced her nickname made her knees wobble everything she could possibly say evading her mind, tying her tongue. "Camila?" Him saying her name drawing her back

" euh, quelle?"

"The fruit trees, what kind?" He asked drawing closer to her, she found herself fidgeting again as she spoke. "Apricot, apples, and peaches, right now is mainly peach and apricots."

He nodded "well I'm tired, later."

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