Chpt. 6 Help Me?

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Nathan's POV

1 month later, day before concert

"Goodnight New York! You were a great crowd!" I yelled into the mic before running over and grabbing my water bottle. The other boys I guess had the same idea in mind an we all shared looks. Soon there was water going very where on the fans. Who was also going nuts from the water.

Man I love them.

"Great show guys, get to the bus we got to hurry and get to Georgia." Big Kev said. This was it. I finally get to me Ari.

What if she doesn't like me? She probably already knows me and who knows? Probably a fan girl and give my email to everyone. Okay hopefully she wouldn't do that.

"I've heard there's a lot of hot girls there." I could here Jay say as we walked to the bus. "Of course Bird you would say that." I said.

"Don't worry babe I won't forget about you." He said and ran over to pick me up. "Aww Jaythan love." Max said while running toms ear.

"Hey!?" Siva yelled. We all looked towards him with a look saying 'what'. "Where's my romance?" He said holding out his arms." Then we all piled in for a group hug.

"I call top bunk!" Was the first thing I heard when we stepped on to the bus. "No I want it!" Max yelled. And soon there was an argument between them on who would get the top bunk.

It was also getting late and they were still arguing. I made my way over to the bunk and crawled in.

"Night boys." I said to Max and Tom. They both looked at me like I just killed someone. "What? You guys were to busy arguing so I took advantage. Again." I said and rolled over. I heard them huffed and marched away like a little five year olds who didn't get what they wanted.

I felt my phone vibrate.

[ Hey what's up 'N'? Can't wait for tomorrow. I finally get to see you! :) ]

Just seeing that email made me happy. I couldn't wait and I just wanted to see what she looked like. Probably beautiful cause it just sounds like it or I guess looks like from the emails. Hopefully.

[ Me either! But when could I meet you? :) ]

[ Well tomorrow night I'm going to be at a concert so maybe after that I could tell you where to meet. ;) ]

Concert? You have to be kidding me.

[ Could I by any chance know who your going to see perform? ]

[ The Wanted! I finally get to see them live. I've literally waited all my life. ]

[ So happens that I'm going to be there. ]

[ Seriously!?! We have front row. How close are you to the stage? ]

[ You have no clue how close I will be to the stage. ]

[ That doesn't make sense but ok I'll try to meet you after. :) ]

[ Well it's late and I think I'm heading out. Can't wait to finally meet you Ari. ;) ]

[ Night 'N' :) ]

Well I hope this turns out good. Hopefully I pick her to pull up on stage.even though I don't know what she looks like. But I want it to be special that I'm the one she has been emailing and her not freak out right then and there. Maybe I can ask one of the boys. Probably Siva since he wouldn't tease me as much.

I got out of my bunk and walk to the living area of the bus. Thank The Lord he was still up. He was on his laptop. Probably talking to Nareesha.

"Hey Seev." I said. He looked up and smiled. "Hey Baby Nath. What's up?" He asked. "I need some help but you can't tell the other boys. Okay?" I said. "Continue." He replied and fully faced me this time now.

"I've been emailing this girl for maybe a month now and we are going to her hometown tomorrow. Which so happens that I will be meeting her but she doesn't know I'm Nathan. And by meeting her I mean the concert which she is surprisingly going to." I said and he raised his eyebrows. I jut laughed and continued.

"I just go by 'N' to her. I don't know her full name but she goes by Ari. I was wondering if you could help me by finding a special way to tell her that it's me." I asked and he looked totally shocked. "Nevermind you do-" I was cut off.

"Of course I will Baby Nath!" He said and I let out a sigh of relief. "So what should I do then?" I asked.

"Hmm I would have to think about it and tell you tomorrow. Sound good?" He said. "Yah thanks Seev your the best. And remember don't tell the boys." I days and pointed a finger at him. He made a gesture of him sealing his lips and throwing the key away. I just laughed and got up to meet three boys.

"Tell us what?" Jay said.

And the teasing begins.


Ariel's POV




I heard my alarm going off to tell me to get up. Well you know what? I don't what to.


"Shut up!" I yelled, leaned up an threw my alarm clock at the wall. It shattered into pieces and fell to the ground. I smiled and slammed my head into the pillow.

I was enjoy the silence and was almost about to fall asleep. But no.


"You have to be kidding me." I mumbled and put the pillow over my head. I slightly jumped at the sound of my door being opened and hitting the wall with a bang.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?" I looked up to see a half asleep Katy with a pan in her hands. A pan. Really?

I looked at her with a look saying 'What the Hell'. She put the pan down to where she was about to drop cause she looked so sleepy. She looked over to see my alarm clock shattered on the ground. She pointed at it with the pan and I just shrugged.


Then there went a flying pan at it along with Katy throwing it at the wall multiple times. She then opened my window and threw it out.

"Problem solved." She said and gave a thumbs up. Katy left the room and finally back to the spare room.

It was quiet and I heard footsteps coming to my door and then it opened. Katy stood there just looking at me.

At the same time both our eyes went big and smiles grew on our faces.

"You do know today we see The Wanted?" She asked.

"Yah. Sounds pretty great." I said.

It then got quiet until we broke the silence.

"OH MY GOSH WE ARE SEEING THE WANTED!" We both said in unison.

Today will be a rememberable day.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Don't really have much too say but here ya go!



Raygan 💕

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