Chpt. 3 Late Convos and Hangovers

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Nathan's POV

Your adrenaline starts pumping when you hear the music. Blaring letting the fans know...your about to come out. I look to my left to see Jay and Siva doing some warm up thing and to my right, Max rubbing Tom's ear while he is getting his ear piece in the other ear. Me? Well I'm just standing here thinking of the things that could go bad and that could go good.

I've always loved the part where the lights would go off and the fans would go ballistic. It's music to my ears. I just loved them so much. Helping us through these four great years. And to know that it will come to an end one day.

"Ready to put on a hell of a show Baby Nate?" Max asked coming over and rubbing my ear. The rest of the lads followed and I looked at all of them. "What ya thinking about Nath?" Tom asked. "Just ho-" I was cut off by Big Kev. "Boys your on in 10!"

We got in formation and walked into a line on the stage. They went wild. I'm pretty sure I lost my hearing that night. But it was worth it. None of them knew what was coming. So I was going to put on a hell of show.


"Great show guys! Now freshen up for the VIP's." Kev said. I loved this part. But it quite wasn't fair. Not all of them have the money to meet us and you have all these rich people buying these $700 worth of VIP tickets.

About five minutes later a group of fans came in. Some guys but mostly girls. I didn't mind that part as you know. But I haven't found the right one yet.

"Hey!" Some girl came up to me and yelled in my ear. Eh, I was already deaf so it didn't bother me. "Hey, did you like the show?" I asked her. "Yes you guys did flipping amazing! You guys are the best! And I'm pretty it will stay like for a long time right?" She said. That last question. I couldn't lie to a fan. It just breaks my heart. "Right!" I said and half smiled.

Same conversations went like that for the rest of the night. It's was now getting late and guards told the fans it was time to say goodbye. I hated seeing their faces at this time. It's like the guards took a toy from a 2 year old and their face just drops and all sad. That's what it reminds me of. All of them thinking that they might not see us again and some will.

We said our goodbyes and they all left. "Time to Party!!!" Tom yelled. "I agree with Tom!" Max jumped up. All the other boys agreed and then looked at me. I knew what they was thinking. "I call staying at the hotel!" I jumped up and yelled. They all laughed. As you know I'm underage so no drinking for me. Whoopie. I ha other plans anyway. Well not plans but a certain someone to speak to.

Every time I talked to her it's like all the problems are lifted off my shoulders. I don't even know the girl but it's like I've known her forever. We've been talking for about two weeks now and I'm dying to meet her.

As we walked back to the hotel, I noticed three girls sitting on the sidewalk. And they looked like they were crying. "Hey guys look." I said to them and pointed to the girls. We walked over to them and asked what was wrong.

"Well we missed our concert tonight. We thought it started at 7:30 but it started at 6:30. So we missed everything." She don't even look up to see who she was talking to. Neither did her friends. "May I ask what band?" I asked anxiously. "The Wanted." Was all she said and went back to crying.

"Well why don't you just see them right now?" Tom pitched in. This time it was the other girl to talk. "But we have no clue where they are and we do-....wait a second." And she looked up. "Tom? Nathan? Oh my gosh your th-" I cut her off. "The Wanted?"

The other two looked up and their faces were priceless. I just loved making them happy. We all sat there and talked about random stuff. We took pictures with them and said we had to be off. I'm pretty sure we just made their night.

Five minutes later and we were back at the hotel. The rest of the boys went to get ready for the club while I settled on some Tv. I heard the door open to see all the guys about to head out.

"Bye Baby Nath!" Jay yelled. "Don't get into to much trouble!" Siva also joined in.

"Siva behave!" I yelled. They all laughed and went out the door. I am officially a loner. I'm used to it by now. Usually after every concert but oh well.


It's already been an hour and I'm still talking to her. I finally got half her name. And I told her the beginning of mine. Haven't really figured out what she could call me yet.

[ No seriously this time I had to wake her up throwing grapes at her face! This girl sleeps to much! ]

[ Aww it shouldn't be that bad. I think the fake fire one was the best. ;) ]

[ Maybe this time I will actually set the house on fire this time ;) ]

[ More Nutella and Strawberries for you! ;) ]

I remembered when she told me about that incident. Those two together is actually really good. I kept talking to her and didn't even bother to look at the time. I heard the door open and walks in three drunk lads and one tired. Siva. "Well that was quick." I said and laughed. "Quick? It's 4:00 in the morning. Why are you still up Nath? Siva asked looking worn out. "Is it really 4:00?" I asked and looked at the time. 4:04. Wow time flys by fast.

I said my goodnights to the boys and went to my room. Lucky for me we got a big hotel suite but it only had three rooms. As the smart one while the others were arguing who would get a room, I just walked right into one and plopped down on the bed. Clever me.

[ We've been at this for five hours Ari. :) ]

[ Yah I'm pretty tired actually. Bout to hit the hay. Still need a name for you tho. ;) ]

[ We'll have to think of one tomorrow. Or today but you know what I mean right? :) ]

[ Hmmm I guess we will. You know I've actually have talked to for two weeks now? ;) ]

[ I guess that's a sign I need to meet you soon. :) :) ]

[ Real Soon. :) ]

And with that we went to sleep. I really did want to meet this girl. But I was also nervous. I didn't even know what she looked like. To many thoughts went through my mind I couldn't even sleep now. But I was tired actually. "Nath turn your damn phone off! Go to sleep!" A thick Bolton accent rang through the door.

"How did you know I was on it!?!" I yelled back. "Well first you have your brightness all the way up cause I came see it under the door. I actually don't know how your not blind now. Second, you answered me back!" He yelled. "And third, YOU'VE WOKEN UP EVERYONE YOU IDIOTS!" .....Jay. "Awe bird needs his beauty sleep!" I yelled. "Hell yah I do!" He yelled back. I just laughed. I locked my phone and put it on the nightstand by the bed.

Oh one more thing. It's almost 5 so why not. I got up and locked my door just in case. Got back in bed and sucked up all the air I could.

"DOES ANY OF YOU GUYS HAVE A HANGOVER CAUSE I SURE DONT!!!!!!! JUST WANTED TO LET YOU GUYS KNOW THAT!!!!!" I yelled as loud as I could. "Baby Nath your so going to get in the morning!" Tom yelled.

"IM WITH YOU NATH I DONT HAVE ONE EITHER!!!! ISNT IT GREAT!?!" I heard Siva yell. I broke into fits of laughter after that. But I really didn't want to know what was coming for me in the morning.

This would be a good story to tell Ari.


Heya! Darlings! 😊 So yah Chapter 3 is up. I really can't wait till these two meet. Ariel still doesn't know who she is emailing. Is it a sign for them to meet? 🙊

Oh and woot woot I threw a Nathan's POV in there. Hey what about that? 👌

Anywhore I hope you guys like it and I realized that it's three in the morning and I'm still writing. Well I guess you know now that I'm going to continue this. I'm already loving it are you?😊 Of course you are cause your still reading. Well I hope you are.

You know the drill,

Comment 🙈

Yours Truly,

Raygan 💕

Will update on Fridays unless there is wifi problems.

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