Chpt. 11 Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest.

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Ariel's POV

"So how'd that go?" Katy asked.

"It went fine I guess you could say. But he asked and I answered. I didn't want to be rude." I said back to her.

"I'm still just shocked you told him that. You can barely tell me!" She said and I laughed.

"Yah." I mumbled. I never liked talking to someone about my dad but I just felt like I needed to tell him and get it out of the way.

"I know what will cheer you up!" Katy yelled and jumped up.

"Strawberries and Nutella!" She screamed and ran to the kitchen.

"Wait Katy there might be a lit-"

"Did you seriously eat them all....again?" She cut me off from my sentence. "No?" I said and smiled.

"You have problems." Was all she said and plopped back down on the couch.

After about an hour of watching family guy and stuffing our faces with junk food, I started to get bored and didn't want to end up getting fat. All those zebra cakes and ding dongs were getting to me.

"Wanna go see a movie?" I asked. Katy's eyes went big and she stood up.

"Yes and heeeeeyyy you can invite Nathan and I can ask Jay! Aren't they on a break right now?" She asked. "Yah I think they're off for a week and then go to Indiana." I said.

I remembered Nathan told me last night they were gave a week off.

"Alrighty then let's get ready! You call Nath and I'll call Jay." She said and up the stairs she went.

I followed her up the stairs but into my room to get ready for the movie. I don't even know what movies are playing. Guess we'll just have to pick there.

I rummaged through my closet to find an outfit for tonight. I decided to stay original and not go all out.

I picked out a pair of black leggings and a white sweater saying 'ANIMAL' in gold lettering. I also picked out a black beanie and my gold shimmery UGG boots.

After a good ten minutes, I finished straightening my hair and fixing my makeup.

"Ariel get yo ass a movin!" Katy yelled from down the stairs. "Bitch I'm hurrying!" I yelled back.

"Whateves man whateves." I heard her mumble. You know sometimes I could strangle her or just push her off a cliff an no one could find her. But that takes too much effort and we all know I'm too lazy for that kinda shit.

I grabbed my phone, jacket, some money, and ran out the door to be met by Katy already having the car started.

"Have you called Nathan?" Katy asked. Yah I did earlier and he said they'd meet us there." I replied.

About fifteen minutes later, we were standing in line waiting to see 'Dumb and Dumber To'. I've heard it's funny so I'm probably going to end up peeing my pants and embarrassing myself.

But who's gives a fuck?

Not me! *raises hand that you can't see at the moment cause you're looking at a screen*

"What do you want?" Nathan asked and interrupting my thoughts. I hated when people would do that.

"Don't worry about I'll buy my own stuff." I said. "Oh ok but I still want to know what your getting. I might get the same thing." He said.

"Oh I'm getting a box of milk duds, large coke, and a medium popcorn." I said and started to pull out my money.

"Add to mine a box of milk duds, large coke, and a medium popcorn please." Nathan said and handed the man behind the bar some money.

"Hey no you tricked me! That's cheating!" I said and nudged him in his arm. "How is that cheating?" He asked.

"Well because...ok idk but you won't get away with it again." I said and poked his nose. Then I skipped into the doors only to bump into a wall that magically appeared in front of me.

I swear every movie theater has the same design on the floor, wall, and ceiling. It's like a maze of mirrors if you run through it. And some how a person like me manages to run into the damn wall.


"Hey watch out for that wall in front of you." Nathan said and walked passed me.

"Well hardy har har aren't you funny." I said and he laughed.

Damn this boy is getting to me,

I walked into the theater and managing not to hit another wall. Seriously even an old lady asked if I needed help. That's sad.

"Ari!" Someone yelled my name. I looked up to see Nathan saving me a seat next to him. I ran up the steps and plopped down right beside him.

"You know I really hope I don't pee my pants." I said randomly to Nathan. "Why do you say that?" He asked.

"Because I'll laugh at one little thing and if this is really funny then there's no telling what's going to happen with me." I said and laughed.

"Don't worry I'm with you also!" I heard jay yell from across the seats. Him and Katy were probably about 5 rows in front of us.

"How'd the heck did he hear me from way up here?" I whispered to Nathan.

"Because I have the best hearing in this movie theater that's why!" He yelled back.

"Yah and the biggest mouth! Shut up already!" Some random man yelled. Which sent me and Nathan into fits of laughter.

"I could see Jay being in this movie. Just rename it 'Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest.'" I said to Nathan.

"I could see it too." He said and we laughed again.

"Well I couldn't!" Jay yelled again.

"SHUT UP!" About six people yelled at the same time.

Aww poor Jay. I'm shocked Katy hasn't stuck up for him yet. Probably already fell asleep.

Katy's POV

"SHUT UP!" I yelled at Jay.

He looked at me like someone just died.

"Jay...I'm just kidding." I said. He smiled and tried putting his arm over me but I stood up instead. Time to annoy people.

"HEY ARIEL HOWS IT GOING UP THERE!?" I yelled. I guess she got the picture and stood up too.

"JUST PEACHY!" She yelled back.

Well that's when people started throwing popcorn and hard candy, which actually really hurt, at us.

Oh well. It's not like we're going to see these people again.


Hey another chapters up! Woot woot So I kinda want to know what you guys think of it. Idk if it sucks or not or it's amazing.

So please tell me or something.


I hope you guys like this! 😘😍


Raygan 💕

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