I Found You, Something Told Me To Stay

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24. Zacky

I Found You, Something Told Me To Stay

Imagine waking up in a tent on the top of the tallest mountain you know, it has just rained so there's a bit of water and dew on everything... Step out of the tent, smell the air. Look around you. The beautiful water fall off in the distance, the landscape... can you see it's beauty? Isn't it perfect?

Not even that compares to waking up to Bailey next to me, nothing could ever be more beautiful to me in the morning than her. I must've moved too much because she whined and buried herself into my chest as she pulled the blankets up over herself, she did not want to get up. I laid on my back, letting her use me as a pillow, and I rubbed her back while she slept. I wished my ceiling was that mountain and waterfall but it was just a flat white, not even a popcorn ceiling I could count pieces of.

Then a loud sound threatened this perfect little piece of heaven we had going on, I jumped and looked around – ready to kill whatever was disturbing us.

Bailey's phone had went off. I tried to wake her but she wasn't having it, I didn't wanna shove her off either so I managed to get her phone and I just answered it.

"Oh, hey." Johnny said. "I called Bailey didn't I?"

"She's asleep..."

"Oh." It fell silent but he continued anyways.

"Well, I wanted to go shopping today. Well... Lacey wanted to go shopping and I figured you and I would just be drug along." He laughed lightly. "I was gonna make sure Bailey was up for it."

"I'm sure, we gotta get stuff for the party anyways." I said looking down at her, she was so peaceful. "What time were you thinking?"

"Whenever ya'll come over." He sighed. "Lacey started getting ready a half an hour ago, so she'll be another half hour or so."

"Okay. I'll text you when we're leaving."

I gently woke up Bailey, she agreed to go but said she needed a shower first. It didn't take her that long and she was ready, 20 minutes all together? I've never seen a woman get ready that fast. I had put on jeans and a flannel then styled my hair back, I was feeling pretty confident today but it was mostly because of the woman on my arm.

"Ready?" I asked. She nodded, still tired, as we walked to my garage. "Whichever you wanna take."

"I like the jeep the best." She smiled. I had figured as such. When we pulled up to Johnny's I felt a little nervous but I kept telling myself he was just going to have to get over it, that no matter what Bailey came first. She held my arm the whole way to the door, I had stopped on the way and got her coffee.

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