You're the Closest to Heaven That I'll Ever Be

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19. Zacky

You're the Closest to Heaven That I'll Ever Be

It took us about an hour to find something better than a stingy diner, we pulled into a cracker barrel then I helped her out of the car and walked hand in hand inside. I sat across from her, they gave us the last booth by the wall, it wasn't busy but it wasn't dead either. We both got coffee and looked at our menus. I had chosen a normal breakfast – bacon, eggs, toast and potatoes; Bailey had chosen french toast, cheesy eggs and sausage. She was embarrassed when her meal came out and looked like a lot more than she realized she had ordered.

We got to know each other while we ate even though over these past few weeks I've gotta tell you it's like I already had known her my entire life. Being with her was natural, like she's always been with me.

"Shit, it's my mom. Excuse me." I said pointing to my phone she waved me off and continued to eat. I sipped my coffee as I spoke to my mom, she hadn't been feeling good all week but was actually getting her energy back now.

"Okay, I have to go." I said. "Love you mom. I'll see you soon, I'm on my way back to California." Bailey's eyes met mine. "Yeah, I'm okay. It went well. I have to go, I'm being rude mom. Yes, I'll wear my seatbelt.... Yes mom. Yes mom. Okay. Bye."

"She know you had to come get me?" Bailey asked.

"Yeah, she knows about you." I nodded chuckling at her look of shock, I reached over the table and grabbed her hand. "I told you, fuck them."

"What does she think?" She asked shoving a slice of french toast onto my plate.

"She thinks you're beautiful, but who wouldn't?" I smiled taking a bite of the french toast, I had my eye on a sausage and decided to foxily sneak my fork over to steal one.

"Do you guys need anything?" The waitress asked giving us our bill, filling our coffees again.

"No, thank you." I smiled. I got my money out of my wallet, telling her to keep the change. Her smile got bigger and she walked away happily.

"Oh my god." I heard someone gasp from behind us. I ignored it, I didn't really care what could possibly be unfolding behind us. God himself could be behind us and my eyes would've never left Bailey.

"Zack... that girl is pointing at you." Bailey said moving her hand from mine. I frowned and turned slightly to see two women now standing right beside me almost holding each other.

Fan girls.

"I'm sorry. We don't mean to intrude on your breakfast with your girlfriend... I just.. we just saw your band on headbanger's ball..."The one stuttered, she was so nervous it was cute. Good kids.

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