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12. Johnny


We were all sitting at the table, surprisingly we were all getting along for once. Sure, there was some weird glances and comments about Zack and Bailey but they went ignored. Bailey felt a little better since Ma helped her change and freshen up, but you could tell she was holding back on showing any signs of the real pain she was feeling. She said it wasn't so much her ankle but more her whole body from being jolted along with a steady migraine.

It wasn't my fault, but it felt like it was.

I was trying to ignore Zack and Bailey's clear bond, but it would be like trying to ignore an elephant sitting in front of you.

I was mad at first, especially when I went to walk out onto the porch and saw them holding hands. Why couldn't they just tell me?

Better yet, why didn't Zack ask me how I felt or for my permission?

Right, cause I'm an ass.

I'm over that now, sure it's fucked up but I couldn't imagine someone better for Zack than Bailey and vice versa. I haven't seen Bailey this happy, especially around Uncle Mike and aunt Jenny, since... ever.

"You know, maybe one day when you can afford a place we'll have dinner in California with you John." Aunt Jenny said. There it was, the horrible comment that would ruin dinner.

"We'll be dead by then." Uncle Mike said.

I gritted my teeth, if only they knew... Avenged Sevenfold was actually hitting it big... we did a few music videos – we have the most amazing fans. I haven't been worried about bills for a bit now, and that is such a good feeling.

"I wouldn't invite you anyways." I said smoothly. "Pass the gravy, please."

I could've almost sworn I saw Pa smirk, but he hid it almost immediately. It stayed quiet for a little, but yet again Aunt Jen spoke up.

"So, you two grew pretty close..." She said pointing her eyes at Zack and Bailey.

"Leave them alone." Ma warned. "None of your business."

"You're letting your teenage daughter run around with some guy from California that's just come for a holiday. How old is he? Almost 30? With your teenage daughter, Margaret..."

Bailey immediately stood up, not even showing any pain as she stormed out of the room. Zack went to get up but Pa put his hand on his arm.

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