Night out

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Dean Winchester 

              You were never the get dressed up and go out type, you didn't like to drink that often and you sure were not a people person, out of habit you hid from big crowds and avoided making any personal- scratch that- any contact with people outside of Dean, Sam, and Cas.

            Dean-o on the other hand LOVED going out, not that he was a people person either, he just really loved drinking and making douches at the bar feel like shit about there pool skills, and normally when Dean requests to go to a bar for date night you refuse, but since he had been so down about things after Benny you let him have it.

           You sat by the door with baby's keys in your hand as he made his way towards you, smiling, "Is that a smile I see?" you asked pecking his cheek when he approached, he only shook his head and pulled you out the door and into the car, you were going to ask him why he was in such a rush but stopped yourself, you knew he just wanted to get out and get the thought of killing one of his best friends behind.

                 The bar he chose wouldn't be your first pick but you knew better then to protest, but five minutes in that place and you could already feel every single guy's eyes on you, and Dean noticed to, he didn't say much though, just kept to his beer as he watched the game on the TV, that was until a tall blonde man came and took his seat when he got up to Piss. 

"Hey Little lady-" you cut the man off instantly, "That seat is taken." you mutter which only seemed to piss the man off, "Oh, i'm sure they won't mind, i'm only having some fun." he replied, slinging an arm around your waist , you stiffened up uncomfortably, and were about to say something else when one very angry dean pulled the man off by his collar, "Oh, trust me, they do." he replied leaving the man on the ground an pulling you up and chest to chest with him before pressing his lips gently to yours, "Try again, she's mine." he remarked, walking away with you in his arms. 

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