When your Angry

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Dean- He gets you pie, you two are just alike and knowing what he likes when he's mad he gets you the same thing, and of course a whole hour of non stop cuddling. 

Sam- He reads to you, you love his voice, it's always so calm and soothing and it makes you feel better almost instantly.

Castiel- He plays with your hair, the way his fingers brush your skin as he braids your hair instantly relaxes you. 

Gabriel- He gives you Chocolate, he knows you rarely get mad but when you do you love to sit and watch movies with LOTS of Chocolate. 

Crowley- He gets you drunk, He knows to not mess with you while sober and mad but your quiet a partier when your Drunk. 

Lucifer- He leaves you alone, your Anger could rub off on him and cause him to hurt you, the only person he loves. 

Garth- He lets you take it out on him, he lets you yell and scream and hit him all you'd like until you've fully calmed down, then he holds you while you apologize repeatedly 

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