Who are you?// Dean winchester

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So This would take place in Seasons before they found the bunker.~A


Run. Keep running. find some where to hide. the sound of the gang of men who were chasinng you didn't sound to far behind.

A motel. go to it. 

Get inside.

A dark room was the only one with an open window. 

Climb inside.

A bed.

Catch your breath.


They'll be gone in the morning....

Waking Up to a dagger pointed at your throat is exactly as scary as it sounds, the light now shimmered into the room and filled what the night before has shown as empty and dark. 

Your eyes focused in on the knife that was held close to your face and you screamed, the person holding the sharp object didn't flinch, "Who are are you?" said the person, there voice was deep, a man. 

You opened your eyes to find a tall man with candy apple eyes and sandy blonde hair staring down at you, a cold glint in his eye, "Who. are. you." he repeated, clearly losing patience, "I'm Uhm, My names Y/N.. I'm sorry I didn't think anybody was in here." you said in a weak tone.

He looked at you for a moment before dropping the knife to his side and pulling you to your feet "What are you doing here?" he asked, this time a lot calmer, "I.. I was being chased, I had to hide.. I must've fell asleep." you admitted looking away from his mesmerizing stare.

He nodded, "Where are your parents?" he asked clearly not aware you were at least the same age as him, maybe a few years younger, "There.. Dead." you said scratching the back of your neck.

He bit his lip looking away as well, "Uhm.. Do you have any-" you cut him off, "Judging by your looks were probably the same age." you said before he asked about any of your other dead relatives, he stared at you for a moment, "I'm Dean Winchester." he said sticking out his hand.

You looked at it before taking it, "Y/N L/N" you said shaking his hand before dropping it, he again seemed to stare you down, "Do you have anywhere to go?" he asked after a moment, you shook your head, "Uhm, No.. I... Live on the street." you said blushing. 

He nodded, "My brother should be back soon, we could probably lend you some money to get a room." he said quickly, you smiled "That's to kind, but I really couldn't do that, I don't even know you.." you looked him up and down, he seemed so firmliar.

"Oh No that's-" he stared at you again, this time almost like he was sure he knew you, "What did you say your name was again?" he asked "Y/N L/N" you repeated with a nod.

"Your.. Is you dad Y/D/N?" he asked, you shot him a confused look while nodding, "Yeah? How do you know him?"

He stepped back a little, seeming kind of shocked, "It's me Dean, Come on Y/N you have to remember me." you looked at him again, he did seem firmilar, then it came to you, John Winchester and his two sons Sam and Dean, Your old best friends.

"Oh.. Shit Dean, Hi." you said, you didn't know what else to say, he quickly pulled you into a hug which you gladly returned, "Where were you." he asked not letting his grip go

"I've been... Everywhere." you said in a huff, he shook his head, "You left, Right when I was starting to like you to." 

Part Two? ~A

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