Thank you sooo much Mr.Delivery-Man's-Chest...for making my  day!

I hang my head and walk to gate trying to ignore him.
I stand there for a few minutes just inspecting the area until a tall figure stands beside me.
I turn my head at see a tight t-shirt wrapped around a broad chest . My eyes immediately turn up and see the most beautiful brown eyes,plump lips and cheeks bones that will definately slice if touched.
I can't believe I'm drooling over Him!!!

But what can I say...the first few times I saw him...he was being a rude ass and I failed to notice how handsome he really was.

What the hell am I saying?

I mentally slap myself.
"What do you want?" I ask him but he doesn't answer so I tear my eyes away from him and focus on a pretty red rose in his garden.

Wonder if  he takes care of them alone.
We silently stand there with only the fence separating us.

I don't know how long we stood there.

"Abbi! Abbi!Where are you,Abbi?"
And here comes a spoiler also known as Mickey.

"Why are you standing there in your pj's?Who is that?Do you know him?"Mickey asks

"What is it with the twenty questions,Mickey...and do you want?"

"Mom said to tell you that the stove is giving her trouble so you will have to go and buy some food for breakfast while they stay here and make sure those big guys don't  mess up anything",He says.

Honestly speaking I can't wait to go maybe I'll spend an hour there 'cause I can't take any more noise coming from that house.

I quickly get into the shower  and as I turn the tap on,only to be splashed with ice cold water . I shriek and mom comes up running.

"What's wrong honey?"She asks.
"Water just cold" I say in almost a whisper.
"Sorry" is all she says  and walks away to where ever she came from.

I take a quick shower and get dressed in jeggings, pumps and a simple loose shirt.

I walk downstairs and went to take some  money from mom.
"Dear,don't forget to buy some pens,pencils,books and whatever you think you'll need. School starts in a day" mom says as I walk out the door.

It's a bit cold out here but I like it.

I use the Google maps app to find a shop near me and it's just a twenty minutes walk.

I plug in my headsets and head on to the supermarket . I start getting an uneasy if someone is watching me. I whip my head around in different directions but I can't see a single soul on the street. I continue my walk.

After a few minutes of blistering music I'm finally there and head on to the food section,thrown in whatever can be called breakfast and head to the stationery aisle but I can't get that feeling off.

I bend down to take some pencils and I get pulled by the waist and spun around. I shriek,kick around and whip my head but all efforts fail to remove this person from me.

A warm hand came onto my mouth and I tried to remove it but this person was obviously stronger than me.
I let myself loose and start shedding a tear.

This unknown person lets me go and starts laughing and clutching his stomach and he sits on the floor.

"What in the hell did you think you were doing!? You almost  scared me to death, dumb a-hole!"in whisper shout just so that I don't attract unnecessary attention.

I wipe the tears and walk to the till but not until I grab him by the hair and give him a friendly warning.

"Do that one more time and I will slap you senseless"

I pay and head home but someone taps me one the shoulder and I get ready to attack.

Seriously though..that little prank got me on defense mode.

"Why don't you just leave me alone?I don't even know own you for Christ's sake!" I continue to shout all sorts  to him but he does not seem fazed by anything I say.

"Are you done?" He asks as he inspects his nails.

I stop and stare at him, confused.
I walk home with him beside me.

As soon as I get home ,I eat,help arrange the rest of the furniture  and prepare for Monday...

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