Almost There

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By the time we all wake up its already eight o' clock.

We don't waste any time and we are buckled in the car.
The car is silent as dad drives through the traffic.

I sit staring out the window and start to fantasise about this new life we are about to get a taste of.
I can already see myself as one of the popular kids in town.
Maybe I'll even get a motor bike...just for a bad girl effects.
We'll get a maid and a garden boy just because I hate chores.

A board with "Welcome to Riverview!" catches my attention and my heart starts to beat a little faster...
This is it...we are so far far away from Calverton,the only home I know.

A tear falls freely but I wipe it away before anyone notices.
The street that we are driving the has large houses with perfectly trimmed gardens and people of all ages are roaming about or chatting...

We stop by a big pale orange and white house and I must say it is beautiful and looks like a rich man's property.

"Well,we are here kids!" Dad shout with a childish grin.

Mickey looks like he's gonna pop any time soon. We walk into the house and bam!

Where in the world is our furniture!?
The house is empty but luckily clean.
Mom and dad enter and look like they've been slapped . Hard.

Mom quickly calls the guys in charge of our furniture and it's turns out that the were some complications and our furniture will be here in a day.
"So we have no food and no furniture " I say "what a nice way to start our new lives".

Dad sighs and gives us some money.
"Go buy some sandwiches and juice for your mother and buy whatever you want for yourselves".

Excuse me?Where in the hell will I buy "something" to eat?We just arrived here and have no clue about where what is!
I mentally shout at dad.

"You know what . I'll go with you."Dad says and grabs his keys from the kitchen island.
The stores are not far away,just a 20 minute walking distance.

I enter the store alone and plug in my headsets.
I don't want anyone disturbing me.
I firstly grab four sandwiches and juice then head to the snack section.

I walk as quick as I can and as I turn into a corner,I find myself on the floor and my basket is far from reach.
I look around to see who saw but thankfully just some old lady and a small kid.

"You know you should be careful,I might have hit my head there".I say as I grab my basket and it's contents.
As soon as I turn around I'm met by a broad chest with a tight 'guns and roses' t-shirt.
I lift my eyes and see the most handsome face ever.
"If it remember properly you were the one walking around like a maniac."He says.
OMG...that voice! So deep...yet soft.
I try to to say some thing back but I can't. ..I'm totally mesmerized by this god-like boy...

"Hey you idiot I'm talking to you!"He says and I'm brought Bach to earth.

"Sorry what did you say?"i ask.
"You are a moron aren't you." He says and my cheeks start eo burn in shame.

I look him straight in the eye and ball my fists.
"First of all,the only moron I can see is you and I won't apologize since I'm not at fault,you bloody fool!" I say .
I attempt to walk past him but the bastard trips me and I reach out to grab something to balance on but I fail.

He catches me by my hoodie,choking me and stares at me.
I'm pretty sure I look like a dead animal now. I shove his hand away,stand up and immediately regret it because i start feeling a bit dizzy.

I wobble away from him and I hear him laughing at me . He follows me into the next aisle and blocks my path.
By now I'm seeing double.

His lowers his head cos he's so damn tall.
I rub my eyes and turn to the previous aisle but he grabs my arm and pulls me back.

My vision starts to blur and I feel my body slowly slide down his body.
The freak jerks me roughly and I'm forced to get a better grasp of my surroundings.

I stand straight and pull myself off him.
"You are so weak yet fat...imagine if I had to carry you out of the store!" He laughs at his own joke and I leave him standing there.
"Don't you dare walk away from me!"

I pay for all the stuff I bought and go back to the car. I notice the Rude Boy approach our car and I quickly slip in...

He smirks at me and gets on the black bike next to our car and goes away then we followed suit.

I can't stop thinking about that jerk.
He might have been rude but he was so damn handsome!
When we get home,I'm the first to leave the car but as I take the first step in feel something tugging at my leg and I fall.

I notice some movement and I see the face I never wanted to see again...its him,the Rude Boy!

He laughs and I storm into the house no longer caring about the food I bought.

Messed Up Life |Toroda2nd|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora