I looked down and saw Daddy.

Tears were racing down my cheeks to where my vision was blurry. His hands were rested on a small box with a rosary around his fingers. He looked like he was asleep, like as if I could just poke his cheek and watch his eyes open up and smile when he saw me.

"I w-wish you'd wake up Daddy." I said softly, as if whispering to him. He looked paler than how he was.

"I'm so sorry Vanessa." Breezy said when he gave me a hug.

"Why is he holding a box?" I asked as I wiped away my tears.

"Your Mom's ashes are in the box and he has the box over his heart because he loved your Mom." He said with a sigh.

"I want him to just wake up." I said looking back down at him. I put my hand on his but pulled back when I was greeted with how ice cold his hand was.

"We all do Vanessa. I have a tissue for you, if you need it." He said handing me the square. "I'll let you have your time with him." He said before walking back to everyone else.

I spent about 10 minutes just telling him things I wish I had gotten the chance to tell him. I reached over the casket and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you Daddy."

I rested my hand on the box. "And I love you too Mommy." I hopped off the step and walked over to the rest of my family.

Everyone was in black and red, bandanas folded neatly and in the pocket square of their suits. Naturally I went over to Isabella and hopped onto her lap.

"Did you have your final moments?" She asked me through her tears. I nodded my head and buried my face in her blonde hair. "It's okay Vanessa. Just remember, he's at peace and he's always with us." She just held me close.

She wasn't as sad about Mommy. If anything she had anger towards her. I don't understand why though? They were both shot so why is Isabella mad at Mommy? I figured there was more to the story but they didn't tell me.

~Isabella P.O.V.~

I hated my mother. I'm not even going to call her that. I hated Riley.

She took away Dad. I could handle the divorce but this was just too much.



An After Thought.

Those were the words that came to my mind when I think about what happened.

My last moments with my parents was spent arguing with them. That's what I remember my parents by, the last argument we had. I didn't even get to apologize, it was too late before I could suck up my pride and just apologize to them.

Instead I slammed my door and screamed in a fit because I didn't get what I wanted and now I feel awful for it.

I can't live with my Grandparents. They only add stress to me and make me feel more awful for my mistakes and that's why I just left. I went off to Tavian's and am staying there till I turn 18.


We were now at the actual cemetery. The casket was just waiting to be lowered down 6 feet below our feet. Everyone else had left except for Uncle Huey, Lexis, Arlie, Varo, Chewy, Marcus, BV, Jay, and Vince. Sage was there too, while Vanessa and Aunt Sweets were standing over by me, under the shade the tree provided us.

How could they all be standing around there and not cry?

"Why aren't they crying?" I asked Sweets who was holding Vanessa in her lap as she cried.

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