Drinks And Dancing

Start from the beginning

"So Kid, did you invite that Moon girl?" questions Maka.

"Um...Yeah. Why?"

She smiled a huge smile. "Oh, I was just wondering." she said in an unusual voice. Something told Kid that she was up to something. "You should ask her to dance with you. Maybe you'll be her next boyfriend!"

Kid blushed a little. "Yeah, maybe I will." he paused. "Well, I'm going to class. See you all later." He started walking to Professor Stein's room when he felt a tap on the shoulder. When he turned around, he saw Moon.

"Hey. It's good to see you up and walking around, and not looking like you slept on the floor for a week." she laughed.

He laughed a little too. "It's good to see you as well. So did I miss anything important in any of our classes?" he wondered.

"Lucky for you, we only dissected a bunch of stuff in Stein's class, and in all the other classes it was just the same old stuff. So, are you ready for the party tomorrow? I can't wait."

"Yeah, I'm just about ready. There will be drinks, food and dancing, so it will definitely be fun." Kid looked at her face, and her eyes were wide.

"There's gonna be drinks? Awesome. I haven't been drunk in a while!" she explained.

"You've been drunk before? I've never had one drink in my entire life. I'd much rather be dancing with someone than getting drunk." Kid smiled. What kind of girl likes to get drunk? She's an odd one.

"I'm a horrible dancer. The last time I danced with someone was..." She thought for a moment. "...Never." Kid was surprised.

"You've never danced with anyone before?" He stopped himself from saying 'Well that's gonna change tomorrow.'

"Nope. Nobody's ever asked me to dance with them before. Of course, I would dance with someone if they did in fact ask me to dance with them, I'd just be really bad at it." Moon explained. Sounds like she wants to dance with someone...Well she can dance with me tomorrow.

The whole day passed with them talking about stuff. They both blushed a few times, but they would be bright red at the party. So the next day came along, another school day passed, and Kid was in the academy, arranging things for the party.

"So, Kid. Are you ready for your first dance with Moon?" he turned around to see Soul.

"No...I'm nervous. What if she says no? What if I trip and fall? What if she doesn't even show up?" he panicked.

Soul put his hand on Kid's shoulder. "Dude, you'll be fine. You just need to let it flow."

Kid decided to have some fun. "So if I dance with Moon, you should dance with Maka." he smirked.

Soul faintly blushed a little. "Umm...No thanks. I don't dance."

"Uh huh. Sure. You really should. I know you want to. Just look at your blushing face!" Kid laughed.

"Shut up, Kid. You should be worrying about your dance, not mine." he walked away, his face still pink.

After a while, the party quests started arriving. Kid was extremely worried that she wouldn't show up. But eventually, she did. And when Kid saw her, he was mesmerized. She wore a fitting white dress down to just below her knees. There were purple accents on it, and her eyeshadow matched the purple color. She wore no clip in her hair, and her heels made her just as tall as him. Woah...She's beautiful...

"Hi Moon." Kid greeted her. He decided to start the conversation this time.

"Hey. You look nice."

"As do you." He blushed a tiny bit.

"Oh, don't be silly. I don't look good in dresses..." she trailed off.

"No, I'm serious. I think you look...Beautiful..." Kid blushed harder and his face burned. Moon blushed a little too.


"So, Moon. You said you've never danced with anyone before, right?" he asked.

"Yeah..." she got suspicious.

"Well, I was wondering...If you maybe...Wanted to...Dance with...Me?" he looked away and blushed.

Moon smiled. "Kid, I would love to dance with you."

Kid looked at her and smiled. He got a little closer and put his hands on her waist. Damn...She's so skinny...Maybe she's thinner than me...When Moon put her arms around Kid's neck, he looked into her eyes and smiled. She smiled back.

After a minute or two of dancing, kid spoke. "So how does it feel do dance with someone?" he asked.

"It feels...wonderful. I think it might be on my top ten things to do list now." she giggled. Kid blushed harder. His face was starting to burn.

"I told you dancing was great." he laughed. He noticed that people were watching them. "Moon, people are staring at us..." he whispered.

Without moving her head, Moon glanced around with her eyes. She blushed. "You're right." and suddenly, as if on cue, the song they were dancing to stopped. Kid didn't want to let go of her. But as soon as she released her grip, he released his.

"Well, that was fun..." Kid smiled at her. Someone behind Moon was staring at them. He could just barely make out who he was...It was Black Star. But he had a sad look in his eyes. A look that said, 'Why is she with him? I still like you Moon...Please come back to me...'

"Yes...It was. Now it's my turn." she smirked.

"What do you mean?" Moon took his hand and led him to where all the drinks were. She held out two glasses.

"The clear one is the alcohol. Drink that, and then the juice right after. The vodka has a nasty taste, so you have to keep drinking the juice until you can't taste the vodka anymore. That's called a chaser. For me, I don't need one." She took a glass of vodka and clinked her glass against Kid's. "Cheers!" She gulped down the whole thing, then shook her head. "Damn, that's good!" she paused. "Now it's your turn."

Kid looked down into the glass. "Oh, well. It can't hurt to try." he took a large gulp of it. Blech! It tastes vile! How can she drink this stuff straight? He quickly gulped down the whole glass of juice, and grabbed another one, and another. Finally, he was done. "Okay, that's something I don't ever want to try again..." he laughed. Moon chimed in.

For the whole party, Moon and Kid spent their time talking and dancing together. Just before the party ended, Kid asked for one last dance.

As they embraced each other, Kid realized that they were a lot closer now than in all of their other dances. Moon's face was so close to his, Kid could feel his face burning again. Are we gonna kiss? He thought.

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