Yoongi's Day In The Grocery Store

Start from the beginning

Where the hell was his phone anyway? He hissed and frustratingly scratched his head, trying to rack his brains. Ohh... he left it at the dorm. Stupid

Now he had no contact to any of his members how great is that? How was he supposed to go home now and cuddle with the bedsheets?

Approaching footsteps alerted him to the fact that he wasn't alone, and his head whipped toward the sound. Was that-


Sunshine boy turns and meets eyes with the one who called him. As soon as Hoseok saw him a smile split his face and he came charging toward his hyung to wrap him in a hug.

"Oh hey hyung didn't know you were here," Hobi said.

Yoongi glanced around. "Who're you with?"

"Huh? Oh I'm alone."

"What? Wae?"

"Why can't I? I asked permission from Jin-hyung and he agreed."

Yoongi thought over his options. Well having company was better than being alone looking like a lost fool. So he decided to stick with Hoseok.

"Hyung I saw some sweets over there wanna check it out?"

Yoongi smiles a little, tension easing out of his body. Wow, being around Hoseok sure was a comforting and fun presence.

"I don't see why not."

Hoseok smiled again and took his wrist. Yoongi wanted to slip his hand away but found the younger's hand really warm and soothing so he let it be. After all, it wasn't weird to hold hands with any of his members.

When they reached the desired aisle Yoongi's eyes widened in shock and delight. Rows and rows of candies, chocolates and sweets filled everything, and it made him wanna run away with all of it. They all look so... mouthwatering.

"Waah everything looks so cool!" Yoongi comments with a grin. "I really wanna eat everything in here."

Hoseok giggles. "I know right? I was so tempted to steal five bags but I know that Jin-hyung would scold me so I didn't." The smile fades a bit. "I'm so broke."

Yoongi sighed heavily, knowing the feeling. "Yep me too." Another idea popped in his head, and he knew it wasn't right. "What if-" he broke off, not wanting to continue.

But he had Hoseok's full attention, ears perked and interest sparked. "What is it?" he prompted.

Yoongi scratches his nape, again not sure if he should elaborate. "I know it's wrong, but..."

"You wanna take some?" Hoseok finishes. Yoongi nods mutely. Hobi stilled for a moment, before letting his eyes wander to a bag of chocolate chip cookies.

They held their breaths as they worked at quick speed, quietly slipping two bags under their shirts. Yoongi reached for a third one when-

"HEY! You two what are you doing?"

"Hobi RUN!"

They dashed away, the bags falling out of their shirts. Hoseok let go of everything, that kid, and ran away hollering with arms up over his head. Being a dancer, he left Yoongi alone unknowingly since he was too caught up in saving his skin.

Yoongi on the other hand wasn't so lucky since he was a couch potato so they lost each other, but he was able to shake off the police if only for a little while.

He breathed heavily, trying to catch his breath. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, a hand to his pumping heart. Mann... that was so close.

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