“Okay, bye Drew.”

“Bye Matt.”


When my new single, Never Be, hit the tracks, the whole world bought it. At least that's what it felt like. Twenty two million hits in three days. LA Reid said he'd never seen anything like it. And to be honest, that scared the living shit out of me, all of it did.

I wouldn't change my life, for anything in the world. But it's so stressful, trying to be this fearless person, I know I'm not. I remember when I wrote Never Be, I was in a Van, heading across the country with my best friends. When I first played it? We were sitting around a bonfire, and that's what I miss desperately.

I sip on my fourth cup of coffee, the caffeine a refuge for my lack of sleep. And the music a refuge for my mind, the only thing that has been keeping me utterly sane. “So change of plans Drew,” Jessy spoke, as we were about to step onto the plane, “we talked about that party you wanted to attend, for you friend? And I said it wouldn't be able to happen. I pulled some strings, and we have three days in New York City. Jersey isn't that far of a drive,” He spoke, glancing to Nik, the ex-Military, inglorious security guard of mine. “Nik can get you there, you can stay the night and spend the next day with your friends, then you can go back to New York, we've set up a performance and interview. You'll be on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.”

“Oh my god, Thank you so much Jessy!” I almost scream, so happy. “And Nik, can't forget about you!”

I hugged them both, before stepping into the cabin of the plane. Settling in my seat, I messaged Matt, telling him that the plan was on. Nik stepped in, with tired eyes, sinking into a seat across from me. Talking to the other members of security through his ear piece.

I like Nik, and I respect him. He's in his late forties, and has seen more horrors of the universe than he should. He told me tales of his deployments in Iraq and Iran. We can talk for hours, and I know, I owe him a lot.

Paparazzi, flashing cameras, everywhere. The walls were caving in on my mind, and I was in a daze. I gripped Nik's arm for dear life. He's only been my security guard for a week, and right now, he's being put to the test, we both are.

Drew! Who is your current boyfriend!” One of them yells.

Who was Independence Day about!” Another vulture snarls.

Are the rumors of you and Justin Bieber true!?” They ask, they yell.

I want to scream, cry, and curl into my own safe ball. “She's not answering any questions, now could you please clear a path before I make you.” Nik passively spoke, his voice clear, adamant.

Drew!” I heard one yell, and came another flash of bright light in my face, but this time, I felt it, banging on my head.

My vision was impaired, blurry, but what I could see, it wasn't a pretty sight. The camera's being knocked to the ground, by Nik, he was making them clear the way, just like he said. He picked me up, and ran, faster than anyone I have ever seen, to the car.

Step on it Hugo, she needs to see a doctor now!” Nik's voice spoke, he was frantic, as I lay in his arms, trying to stay awake. “Listen to me kid, you have to keep your eyes open,” he said, shaking me the slightest.

Okay,” I barely whispered.

I remember, the Doctor diagnosed me with a mild concussion, to be frank, I was lucky. If I had been alone, who knew what could have happened. I found out, that Epic Records, paid off the paparazzi that had gotten great shots of me that day.

L.A didn't want the story leaking, and neither did I. I glance at Nik, who is going through his phone, muttering, “dumb technology.”

“Need any help with that Nik?” I chuckle.

“Don't worry, I'm fine.” He said, pressing it into his pocket. “Are you excited about seeing your friends?”

“Yeah, I am. I haven't seen any of them,” with the exclusion of Jack, “since I left Magcon. I really miss my brothers to, and I'll get to see Nash, so that's a plus.”

“Nash, which brother is he?”

“Middle, he's younger than Will, but older than me.”

“Get's confusing with all of your siblings.” He admits.

“You get used to it after awhile.”

“Hmm,” he hums, “what about your parents? Why aren't they in the picture? Sorry for the invasion of privacy, but LA informed me, to keep you away from George, your Father, at all costs, if he ever shows up, but he never explained why.”

“Oh, yeah.” I sigh, “George, he's my siblings Dad. Not my real one though. Growing up, he was a bit, abusive, because he knew I wasn't his child. He's the only person in the world, I will always be afraid of.”

“You don't have to be anymore, okay? Fucker comes near you, I'll make sure it's the last time he ever does,” he eased from his lips, jaw forming into a hard line.

“I know, it's your job.”

“There's more to it than that kid.”

I wondered what he meant by that, but instead, I only nodded, giving him a reasuring stare. I looked at the clock, and I counted back the hours. We land in NYC at 6, with a drive to Jersey, I should make it to Cam's party in the nick of time.

Everything is set up with Matt, he'll meet me, give me a microphone, as I sing Happy Birthday. Matt is the only one who knows about this, and I plan on keeping it that way. I wish I could tell Mahogany that I'll be back for a night, but I can't, she'll see me soon enough.

I scroll through twitter endlessly, not being able to sleep. The time-change, jet-lag, I don't know what it is that is keeping me awake when my body is utterly exhausted. I scroll down to see an update from Jack. It's a picture, his arm is slung around a girl's body. She's all blonde and beautiful, the caption says; missing this little hottie. A feel a sting of jealousy, as I should. But it subsides, because I know, he's moved on. And I have to, sort of. We both deserve happiness, and if he's found it I'm happy for him.

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