Chapter 1

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" Could you not?"

I felt another tug on my hair and I rolled my eyes but couldn't help to smile.

" There's that smile!"

" Shut up Brianna."

" Full first name?! Oh goodness. You must be really pissed," Brianna said in a dramatic voice.

I laughed and shoved her playfully.

" Stop being an idiot and unlock your car."

We were in the student parking lot which was beyond crowded since school had just let out. I got in and threw my bag in the backseat. As Brianna started the car, music blared from the speakers. Neither of us jumped since we are both used to her music being this loud.

Brianna, or Bri as I call her, is a small petite brunette that had blue eyes so bright I would think they were contacts if I didn't know her. We've been best friends since eighth grade and now that we are seniors it seems like it's been eternity. She's always been full of life and happy. And way to sweet and innocent which is the exact opposite of me.

I'm a short petite girl, just like Bri, except my hair is dirty blonde and I have uncontrollable curls that fall just past my shoulders. I speak my mind freely and don't think before I speak. Bri is the only person that I actually hang out with and feel like she's judging me. Everyone judges me for my attitude and they think that since I'm rich I have everything and that I'm stuck up. But I'm not. I'm a normal teenager girl except for the fact that I stand up for myself and others with no problem.

" So guess who I saw today."

" Santa?" I asked, turning down the volume so I wouldn't have to strain.

She laughed.

" No silly! I saw Austin Grey."

" Oh my gosh. Not Austin Grey!" I said in a sarcastic voice.

" Shut up. He's the hottest guy in school and word is he's single now."

She looked at me to wiggle her eyebrows at me before looking back at the road.

" That's because he got tired of his hoe and looking for a new one."

" So? All I'm saying is that he's single, I'm single, we both looking for someone."

" And all I'm saying is that you aren't a hoe, he's a hoe, you're looking for a good guy, he's looking for a bad girl, if you get what I mean."

She sighed.

" I know. I don't know. Maybes he'd change for a girl like me."

Austin is the schools hottest guy but also the biggest man whore. He has a new chick every week and every single one of them gets in bed with him at least once within that week. He's drop dead gorgeous with soft brown eyes and caramel skin with brown hair that he always wears spiked up with gel. He comes to school in a motorcycle which girls just love even more, except for me.

" Guys like Austin don't change for anybody."

" You never know. Maybe he'd change his ways for that one special girl," she said with a shrug, showing she was over it.


" Stop being a wuss and do it. Come on."

Bri and I were currently playing truth or dare and her dare was to sit in a tub of ice for ten minutes, fully clothed for her sake.

" It's so cold though!" She said with a pouting lip.

" Bri. It took me hours to fill up this tub with ice."

She gave me her famous puppy dog eyes and gave in.

" Ugh! Fine. But we aren't playing anymore."

" Yay!"

She plopped down her my King sized bed and I lied down beside her.

My room is huge. Probably the size of an apartment. I live in a mansion and I actually kinda don't like it. It gets lonely when my parents aren't home and kind of scary in the dark, which I will never admit to anyone, not even Bri. It's one of the reasons why she always sleep over, like tonight.

" So where are your parents tonight?"

" Some business party."

She nodded and turned the tv on to to a music channel but put the volume on low. It's three in the morning and we still have school tomorrow.

" Have you ever thought about what it would be like if your parents weren't rich? Like just normal like my parents."

I pulled the blankets up over us and stared up at the ceiling.

" Of course. But I can't change it so why dwell on it?"

" I don't know. I was just wondering."

We listened to music and talked about the most recent gossip and the hottest trends in clothing, which was her hint that she wanted to go shopping.

About an hour later we both fell asleep.

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