𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶-𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔡 ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯

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Namjoon had a smile plastered across his face, excited and thrilled to show the wonders of the town

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Namjoon had a smile plastered across his face, excited and thrilled to show the wonders of the town. It's quite ironic that Seokjin thinks disgusting of the village he partly owns, as he's the prince, but Namjoon has a lot of thoughts in mind to change his mind.

"A feast will be held tonight, once the clock struck to midnight, for the celebration of bountiful blessings, sire. It would be really nice if you could come." Namjoon looks at Seokjin with such eyes glinting out of adoration and utmost excitement.

"This is an event approved by Father, am I right? Royalty does not need to show public appearance. Not unless it is the government of ours that settled the event." Namjoon feels the prince would be really hard to convince to spend quality time with himself, but it's worth the shot, definitely.

"Sire. Do me a favor?"

"What would it be?" Asked Seokjin, his chin tipped slightly toshow dominance, still, a behaviour he'd always do. He's the prince, afterall, an omega he may be, but he still holds the pride of an alpha.

"Erase your thoughts off with work and clear your mind. That would help you meditate." Namjoon says this with a small smile, before he eyes the long tables of the banquet, prepared for the people and the cardinals that organized the feast. They may be shortage of crops that had been going on and on, but Seokjin sees the flames of hope and joy as the townspeople set up the entire village. There is that glitter in their eyes, or perhaps their smiles that moves Seokjin's heart to flutter against his chest.

"Namjoon-ah, is it always like this whenever there is a feast?" The curious cat asked, rarely seeing unity he had wished to see, and yet the feast gave him hope that there is indeed. The kingdom of werewolves were known to be the strongest of all empire, aside of its coverage big, the landmarks, and perseverance of the townspeople for the development of the kingdom is very strong.

But recently, due to the growing population of wolves, the demand for vegetation is high, causing the prices to inflate, and this alone is an issue for Seokjin.

How can he be of good use to this kingdom as a regent prince?

He wanted to prove to himself and to his father, that he is worth it for the throne as well.

"Yes, sire. Especially for the little ones." The noble giggled as his eyes smiled at the kids running away from each other from the distancen the screams of their thrilling game making him laugh.

"How I miss youth." The servant adds with a low tone of sadness in his gut. He looks over at Seokjin that looked back at him, his delicate and frail white skin enabling Namjoon to see the lit up of red on his cheeks as soon as their eyes met. It is interrupted when Namjoon felt something bumped against his leg, and both of them looked down to see a child with his arms wrapped around his limb.

"Oh, little guy-" The servant crouches down, gathering the innocent kid in his arms and raising him up, and Namjoon gave him the widest dimpled smile he could manage. The kid had dirt stains etched against his clothing and skin, but the happiness and the shining glint on the kids brown orbs reminds Namjoon well of his old town, and the fun he used to have running around their small village.

The prince had an amused look at his personal servant, he's rather more enlightened about what this town beholds- a beautiful scenery of unity and perseverance that paved the way for Seokjin to think, this is the opposite of what I feel right now, hopelessness.

Is this what Namjoon wants him to realize? It might be all a mere coincidence, but from the short span of moment that the two spent in town, there had been the bountiful lessons he had learned, and a few reflections during his reign. Is this the secret to the righteous governance?

To become one with the people you hold.

Seokjin giggled, and Namjoon widens his eyes in surprise, the child tilting his head at the sudden laugh.

"You are very good-looking, sir! Like the prince in the castle!" Remarked the child, and Namjoon clears his throat, but what surprised him more is when Seokjin cleared the hood off from his head, and the grin never left the prince's plump lips.

"It's because I am the prince, darling." Seokjin cups the child's cheek, then he meets eyes with Namjoon with a small blush, before the both of them dissolved into fits of adorable laughter, both of their hearts beating as though one.

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