Chapter 2

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~Unknown Location~

"Thomas, you can't just do that to someone. I get it, you seem to like him a lot, but it's messed up. Even for you." James said with crossed arms. He was sitting on the only available counter he could find, his legs not even close to touching the floor.

"But Jemmy! He's so pretty. And innocent. And he seemed so sweet!" Thomas said with a grin, dropping the most recent ingredient to the potion John was asking for into the pot.

"All the more reason you shouldn't be doing it. He said he needed it so he could properly be with someone. You'd have less of a chance getting him that way. Say this relationship goes south when they're properly together? He'd come back here to talk to you. Wouldn't you rather he stay willingly?" With a huff, Thomas placed the lid back on the pot.

He hated how James was always the voice of reason for him. There were times when he just wanted to do, and take. James never let him. he'd give him reason and talk him out of it. Like now.

When John had shown up, Thomas had wanted nothing more than to force him to stay. He was the perfect image of beauty, his hair falling perfectly on his shoulders, even while wet. His skin was covered in beautiful freckles that reminded him of constellations. But James had reminded him he couldn't keep everything that interested him, especially if that interest was another intelligent being.

And yet, as much as he wanted to go against James' instructions he couldn't. Because James was right. If he wanted to stay with him it should be by his own choice.

He couldn't do the same thing he had done to James all those years ago. Maybe that was why James was so insistent about this. He didn't want anyone to face his same fate, tied to the small beach house, unable to leave.

~Mount Vernon~

"Three more days!" Alexander said as he squeezed John tightly. John was grinning like an idiot. Over the past few weeks, they had spoken about their relationship. Sure, they acted like a couple, but they didn't want to make anything official until they knew they'd even be able to properly be together. So, for the time being, they settled for enjoying their time together. And if they happened to have the occasional makeout session that ended in both of them gasping for breath, whose business was it but theirs?

"I know! I can't wait." John kissed his cheek, leaning into Alexander. It was calm and quiet, the silence comforting and calming rather than uncomfortable. "In three days I won't be limited by how far the shore goes."

Alexander nodded in response, running a hand through John's hair. "Three days until I can drag you to a bunch of restaurants and make you a modern human. And go clothing shopping. Might be at the top of the list."

John chuckled. "Especially if Mari still wants to come. She somehow can spend hours doing hair and makeup." Alexander grinned in response, kissing John's head. John leaned into the touch, enjoying Alexander's warmth.

The pair stayed like this the rest of the night, curled up in each others arms, occasionally talking about something stupid and random. At some point, John fell asleep, Alexander finding it adorable, but too tired himself to wake him up. Alexander must have fallen asleep as well, because the next thing they knew, they were being shaken awake.

John was the first to open his eyes, shocked to see both Eliza and Maria there, trying to wake them up. He sat up groggily, rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes. "Finally one of you is awake! I was so worried about you!" Maria exclaimed, hugging John.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, I must have fallen asleep." John mumbled, Alexander groaning and wrapping his arms around John.

"Nooo my warmthhh..." He muttered, holding onto John's waist. Eliza and Maria both broke out in fits of giggles, John's face turning a bright shade of pink. He ran a hand through Alexander's hair.

"Come on, it's time to get up. We fell asleep on the beach last night." John said quietly so Maria and Eliza didn't hear. Alexander only groaned in response, tightening his grip on John. "Come onnn get up. You can't sleep forever. Someone might come and see Mari and I..." With a huff, Alexander finally sat up, keeping his hold on John.

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