Chapter 31 : A Shadow

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Steel's P.O.V

Steel felt as if her surroundings where the ice mountains. The ground was freezing cold and she still had a bloody head ache. Steel turned over finding that she could finally move. She felt reality was caming back to her.


Steel opened her yellow eye's to see sun light shining into the den. " head" she moaned. "Steel your awake" Steel rolled her eye's to glance at the shiny glaceon that was standing in front of her. "Anglica....what happened?" Anglica frowns "we jumped out a high window to get away....and you hit your head" Steel got to her paws but everything looked fuzzy "huh...where's he alright?" Anglica noded "yea he's fine Steel" she pointed to the sleeping jolteon "He's injured....but alive and he has been awke for these past few day's" Steel titled her head "wait few day's?" Anglica glanced at her "'ve been out for days" Steel steed up on all for lages "What?...b.but...hmm" Steel went quite and pawed at her head 'i most have hit my head pretty hard'
Steel then glanced at the jolteon who was only just waking up. "Hmm?" Jake looked at Steel and his eye's lit up with joy "Steel!" Jake forced himself up and walked over to them "Thank Arceus your awake" Sreel glared at his injury "Jake..." Anglica snaps "you should be resting" but Jake just shrugs "eh I'm fine believe me...i can take it" he said with a lean tone. Steel didn't want to argue with him so she just let it go "whatever....." She sat down with a frown ".....well that didn't go as well as i hoped" Steel sighed. 'Why would any pokemon want to help some psycho flareon who dosen't even want help' Steel was lost in thought untill Anglica stared talking "well...i got to try...i won't blame you if you want to go but....Blaze is all i got in this world so i got to go back" Steel and Jake share a glance with each other "hold on a minute.... We can't let you go back to that flareon sorry to tell you" Jake said with a hasty looked Anglica glars "um...well you can't really stop me" Steel gave a helpless look knowing she was right they couldn't stop her. Jake sat down and glanced at Anglica "....we're not stopping you....but we need an idea of how to snap him out of it" Jake said to Steel's surprise "uh what now?' Steel asked. Jake glanced at Steel "hey your the one who wanted to help last i checked" Steel narrowed her eye's "that was before we were attack" Jake just shrugs "well what did everyone except huh?" Steel looked away not knowing what she was expecting 'i mean Anglica had warned us about him hating shinys' Steel sighed "Yea....but we can't just walk in there agin" Steel mumbled Anglica got up again "....I'm going for a walk" she said and walked out of the den. Steel and Jake stared out to her ".....i don't know what say Steel....we just got to help some how right?" Steel noded not knowing how to respond.


Dusty's P.O.V

Dusty was heading to his den feeling tired from hunting. The sun was going down it had been sixe day's since Sreel lefted with Anglica and Jake. 'Hope she's coming back soon....and i hope thing's are going ok'
Dusty got to his den to find Matt sitting in front of it "...hey Dusty there you are" Dusty ran up to see what he wanted "Yea Matt?....did you want something?" Matt was shuffling his paws "....Dusty it's been to long they should of been back by now" He looked warried. Dusty frowns "i wouldn't warrie" Dusty said trying to be calm but seeing the big mightyanae looking like this was unsettling. "....Dusty Blaze hates and i mean hates shinys i already know he's not listen to them" Matt growls walking back and forth. Dusty lowers his head "....i know but i also know Steel.. She's smart and strong plus Jake and Anglica are with her. I'm sure there all on there way back now" Matt Stoppwd and glanced at the Lyaconroc ".....yea....yea your probably right" he mutters but he didn't look happy. Dusty didn't know what to think about this but he just walked in to his den ready for sleep. He layed down and curled up but before he could sleep his head was running wild all he could think of was his old pack. Dusty let a whimper out knowing his pack has perished. 'I miss them....but at less Steel is still around....i hope she's fine along with jake and Anglica'
Dusty closed his eye's but he found it hard to find sleep he tweeted and turned for a good long time before he found sleep.

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