34| New Beginnings

Start from the beginning

He begins walking down the hall only to meet Ember standing in the hall, observing all of the photo's. She blinks a few times, not expecting to see the state we're in. She turns, "Damien..." He pauses for a second, then without a word he continues passed her.

He walks into our room, sighing. He walks over to the side of the bed and sits down, with me. Shifting himself to lean his head against the head board, placing me between his legs, careful not to move my head from his chest. He wouldn't let go, he couldn't let go. He pulls a blanket over us as he snuggles me in closer. He looks down to my sleeping face, he tilts his chin up, finally allowing himself to be concerned and relieved. My face peaceful. He uses his available hand to brush the hair from my face and neck. "That was the worst moment in my life, besides my mothers death." He pauses. "I should kill my brother for this... I would have killed Chris if you didn'y need him." He takes a second to breathe. "I will once he's done. I can't let this happen again... Please open those beautiful eyes. I need you to pull me from this haze." he leans his head against the headboard once more, his body not allowing him to relax, still tense and holding me tightly. As if I couldn't get close enough.

He spends the rest of the night staring at me, anxiously waiting for me to wake up.


The sun rises and we're still in the same position. Running his hands through my hair as he stares at the ceiling, thinking of the events of the night before.  The door clicks open and Cain sticks his head in through the door. Damien looks down to me, gently sliding out from under me, placing my head on the pillow. He freezes as he's about to let go of me, not sure if he really wants to. Cain steps in and closes the door quietly. "She'll be fine Damien." Damien glances over to him. "Why isn't she awake?" Cain sighs, "I'm not sure. Something we should ask Chris." Damien turns to Cain, standing. "He's awake is he?" Cain nods, "He is." Damien takes a few steps to leave the room but stops himself, looking back at me. "I can't leave her..." Cain turns to him. "She'll still be here when you return. I've asked some of the girls to come sit with her."  Damien crosses his arms in annoyance. "They can't defend her." Cain raises an eyebrow. "Lower your voice." Damien sighs, rubbing his face. "You stay with her." Cain shakes his head."Yeah right, I have to stop you from killing Chris." He chuckles. "Go, tell the girls to come in." Damien walks to the door and opens it to see Mikayla and Morgan waiting patiently outside. His face falls and he freezes in the door frame. He had totally forgotten about Mikayla, Aryah's one blood relative. He moves to the side allowing them to enter. As Mikayla walks in he grabs her forearm, causing her to flinch and look to him. He pulls her into an embrace. Looking over her shoulder she sees Cain and Morgan looking at them wide eye'd. "Damien!?" Mikayla calls out. It was so unusual for him to be affectionate with anyone but Aryah. He let's go of her and she stumbles backwards. He turns to Cain, "Let's go." The moment left as soon as it came. Cain glances at Mikayla then shrugs, joining him.


The make their way to the basement. Ben bows and greets them. Damien ignores him and continues towards the cells. Cain stops in front of Ben. "You may want to stay close." Ben looks at him perplexed. Cain turns towards the cells.


Damien pushes the door open, squeeling as it becomes fully ajar. Chris groggily opens his eyes, glancing up. He immediately tenses as fear washes over him when he sees Damien's white sinister smile. He pushes himself up with his one arm, limping backwards into the wall, moving into the corner as much as he can, wishing he could disappear within it.

Damien thinks for a moment, "Hm, your shoulder is back in it's socket?" Chris diverts his gaze, staying silent. "Answer me." Chris flinches, opening his mouth, attempting to speak but his voice seems to be lost. Damien takes a step towards him and he immediately cowers. Damien moves to take another step but is quickly halted by Cain, as he grabs onto his shoulder to stop him.

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