Chapter 8: Distractions

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There is some gore in this chapter, so those uncomfortable with such things might want to tread carefully. But don't worry, I will put warnings about when the gore starts and ends later on!

Chapter 8 - Distractions

The next morning Dipper and Pacifica were ready to head out. They had packed everything they would need the day before. Food, water, weapons, tools, and anything they else might need.

While walking towards the ruins of the town they found that, once again, there was nothing roaming around. No monstrosities that Weirdmageddon had created, no eyebats scoping out for Bill, no random objects brought to life, no nothing!

They even noticed a significant lack of 'Weirdness Waves'. Neither quiet remembered when exactly they were taken out of the equation. As such, they found themselves being much more reckless with their actions than they had getting to the Mystery Shack. They were climbing over the tops of buildings to get a better look at things, talking, laughing at each others jokes, playing little games like truth or dare, and doing really anything that made sound.

They even stopped occasionally to vandalize things. They both found it unnecessary and childish at first but as they became more comfortable with things, and since they were making good on time and everything would be reversed in the end anyway, they decided that it might be fun.

Pacifica, especially, took a shine to it.

Though, Dipper supposed that it was due to her being forced to act 'proper' all her life, with strict rules to follow constantly, and was only just now getting to let her hair down. He was fine with it. It wasn't like it wasn't fun for him too. Didn't get to kick down a lamppost often after all.

Once they had gotten close to the Fearamid, they hid in a nearby building to plan their next move. They decided that if they could find an eyebat, then Pacifica could ride that into the fearamid while Dipper would distract Bill and his lackeys. While inside, Pacifica would release the townsfolk, find Ford and get them all out of there and meet back up at the Mystery Shack.

Dipper specifically told Pacifica that if they waited for him in the Fearamid or tried to find him in the streets, all of them would be caught. Including Dipper and Pacifica.

And that is not what they wanted.

After catching Bill's attention, Dipper ended up having to hide from all the monsters from the Fearamid and Bill, while trying to buy Pacifica and everyone else time.

It was quite a wonder he hadn't been found yet actually. Well, Bill is an omni-dimensional entity right? He should have found Dipper by now!

Unless Dipper was being played with.

That sounds about right. All the others are just distractions for him while Bill plays with him. Yeah, that sounds like something Bill would do.

"Well, it was fun living while it lasted!" And so, he waited for Bill or one of his lackeys to find him.

  ~🌲 🌲 🌲 ~ Gore starts here ~🌲 🌲 🌲 ~ 

He had stayed in his hiding spot for hours. Simply waiting for there to be a lull in the commotion outside, allowing him to make a break for it.

But there hadn't been one.

He had been forced to stay in one position in fear that the smallest noise would tip off the monstrosities, outside, about where he was.

He was still unable to move.

He could hear the monsters searching for him outside. A mere crumpled building away, looking for him. Dragging various body parts that should not have been the size they were. The noise taunting him to leave the safety of a crumbling building and face the monsters outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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