Chapter 4: Weirdmageddon He Supposed

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Chapter 4 - Weirdmageddon, He Supposed

When Dipper woke up next, he was excited, refreshed and ready for what was to come. He wasn't quite sure where the 'excited' part came from, but didn't really question it.

He was feeling better than he had ever been before, even before the end of the world. And he wasn't going to ruin that, he was going to enjoy it. Just because it's the end of the world, doesn't mean he can't feel good for once...

Okay, yeah that sounds bad. But he deserved it dammit! Especially after what's happened. He will not take this for granted just because it's Weirdmageddon. Especially not because of Weirdmageddon. He needed to not feel shattered constantly! How was he going to help anyone otherwise?

All he ever really felt was hopelessness and dread. Any emotion that isn't those two would be more than welcome. So, feeling excited? Yeah, he wasn't going to question it.

He decided to instead think about the dreams he had had last night. Since childhood, he'd always been plagued with nightmares. And he would assume that after going through what he had, he would have the worst nightmares imaginable.


Instead he had the best dreams imaginable.

He was running through the forest of Gravity Falls, before Weirdmageddon. He had found multiple different types of sprites, found a peryton* and became it's friend. It was surreal waking up. He felt as if he had actually just lived through it, not just dreamed it up!

Weirdmageddon he supposed.

~🌲 🌲 🌲 ~

Walking into the main living area of the Shack was still a strange experience. To see humans, Gnomes, Manotaurs, the Multi-Bear and Rumble Mcskirmish in the same room was, for want of a better term, weird.

Again though, Weirdmageddon. Should be expected by now, he supposed.

They were all rummaging about. Some were watching the skies for eye-bats, some were handing out rations to others and some... For some reason there were people fanning Grunkle Stan... and even being his footstool.

He had no words for that.

It seemed no one had noticed him yet. Should he say something? Just walk in?

"Hey Dipper!" Pacifica calls. It looks like that no matter how much she's mellowed, she still refuses to do much work. "Are you feeling any better?"

He hadn't noticed, but she was close to the door, expertly avoiding jobs that would require her to do more than simply stand there. In a way, he supposes, he admires her for that. No one can get away with doing nothing for so long like that, especially him.

Dipper gives Pacifica a grateful smile and subconsciously rubs the back of his head.

"Yeah," He quickly glances to the side before looking back at Pacifica again. "thanks for the talk by the way... I really appreciate it. It helped a lot actually."

He smiles again, this time a much brighter and more confident smile. It feels like it's been ages since he last smiled like that. Pacifica gives him a smile in return. He doesn't think he's ever seen her smile like that before, it looks way too genuine to be one of her smiles.

Weirdmageddon, he supposed though. It'll change people in all sorts of ways. Not just physical.

"I'm glad to hear that." She actually does sound genuine too. "Weirdmageddon, it'll do weird things"

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