Chapter 13: Motherly Advice

Start from the beginning

Bethany had been laid down to take a nap. Melanie had tried to catch up on some reading while Beth slept, and waited for her mother to get there. But with the wedding coming up. Melanie tended to let her mind wander, reminisce on all that happened this last year. She thought it strange how much changed since her husband's accident. How much she changed since then. Mel also took notice of the fact how much she changed since meeting Anthony. She was a very different person since meeting Paul in their school days. Melanie pulled away from her thoughts again at the sound of another knock at the door. Letting out a small sigh. Her mother wasn't the most patient person. Mel hadn't realized she chose to let her mind wander again, and had forgotten what she was supposed to do until hearing the knock at the door.

Melanie didn't want her mother's knock to wake Beth. The last few nights for some reason, she hadn't been able to sleep very well. Being up most of the night. Mostly wanting Anthony. Melanie just was able to get her asleep about an hour ago. Which wasn't a very long nap. So she wanted Beth to sleep longer. Melanie walked the last few steps over to the door, opening it to see her mother stand in front of her. The two gave each other a smile as Mel opened the door and the two spotted each other.

"Mom hey!" She exclaimed. Speaking quietly. Melanie stepped aside so her mother could come into the apartment. Then closed the door once her mother made her way inside. Jennifer looked over at her daughter approaching closer to give her a quick hug. She too could see the change in her daughter. Jennifer wasn't sure if she was very keen on the idea yet of what Melanie had done. It didn't help the fact that Anthony had been someone who used to work for Mel's father. Then didn't make the best impression. But as far as she was able to tell. Whenever she talked to her daughter, Jen had been able to tell in her voice. There was a different change to it.

Jennifer could suddenly start to see since Mel had Beth. She was starting to become happy again. Just as the others said she would. But Mel didn't believe them at the time. Jen was certain her daughter wasn't aware of this yet. But she was. Just as everyone said, Mel was slowly getting better. Jennifer knew part of that reason was because of Anthony and Beth. They didn't replace Paul, but they had helped Melanie fill the loneliness.

"How have you been?" Jennifer asked once the two women made their way into the living room. Then sat down on the couch. Melanie looked over at her mother giving a small nod of her head. "They're good." Melanie smiled without noticing. "Really good actually." Jennifer kept watch on her daughter's actions, a grin appeared on her own face. She knew that Melanie wouldn't ever admit everyone had been right. But she could certainly see the change from when she last saw her daughter.

Jennifer smiled back in return. "I am glad to hear that. Now, where is my granddaughter?" She questioned. Melanie laughed a bit. "She was laid down for a nap not long ago. She hasn't been able to sleep well the last few nights. So I think it finally caught up to her. Beth's been sleeping for the last hour. Let's hope that she won't waste all of your trip sleeping away while you're here." Jennifer laughed. "The reason she hasn't been able to sleep was because grandma wasn't here." Jen smirked slightly to tease Mel. "Don't worry, Beth and I will be able to find lots of things to do while I'm here." Melanie showed surprise on her face as she heard her mother's words.

Mel knew that Jennifer and Brian were trying to get used to the fact that Melanie had a child. Let alone being called grandma and grandpa. They hadn't seen Beth since Anthony had come to Washington to bring Melanie back home. When Beth was newborn. Now her daughter was a little over a year already. "Oh I am sure you will find a way to keep her very busy while you're here." Melanie grinned.

"How have you and dad been?" She asked. "We're both doing well. I keep busy yet at the shop. Your father always manages to find something to do around the house to keep him busy. Sometimes he will go to the golf club or bowling." Melanie raised her eye. It sounded like her parents didn't do a whole lot of things together. Which made Mel nervous that something had happened. She hoped it didn't have to do with her visit last April. But Melanie was too frightened to question it. Jennifer grew quiet, debating to say the next sentence. Since her daughter appeared to be doing well. "He is worried about you though. We both are."

Melanie nodded at her mother's words. Taking a moment before saying her peace. "I know you are. But you don't need to. Not anymore. I'm better than I was the first time you saw me. I'm better little by little.." Jennifer smiled. "I know. I can tell that you have changed. You look happy. Like you're doing well."

"I am." Mel smiled. "I know it is because of Anthony and Beth. But I am still scared.." She stated. Melanie was getting better. But it didn't stop her from allowing those thoughts to pop in her head now and then. Jen nodded her head. "There will always be those moments. But I know Anthony will always make sure to do whatever he can to keep himself safe. To keep you two safe. He will make sure to fight his way back to you and your daughter." "I'm aware.. It's just.. Whenever something good seems to happen to me, it gets taken away." Mel stated.

"I was afraid like that too. When I first met your father. But look at where we are at now. We're both still here right? We are safe. We are healthy. And most importantly. We have an amazing, beautiful daughter."

Melanie bit her lip as she shook her head. "I'm not so sure about that. I don't exactly feel like the most amazing person for what I had done.." She said quietly. Jennifer kept her eye on her daughter as they visited. She had turned slightly so she could be face to face with Mel as they chatted. Jennifer took a deep breath before she reached her hand over to place it over her daughter's.

"Mel, everyone goes through difficult times. Perhaps we don't always make the best choices at those hours. But what happened isn't going to make us change our mind about what we think. I was angry because of what happened yes. You chose to shut us out. I had said some things as well that most likely wasn't my best hour. But no matter what, you are our daughter. My daughter. We are always going to love you. We will always be there for you for whenever you want or need us."

Melanie smiled a little. With how her mother had acted when she first got home. She was afraid that her parents would shun her for good. And Mel wouldn't be able to go back home whenever she wanted. She wouldn't be able to see them anymore till it was too late. The year after Paul passed, Melanie had locked them out of her life. She hadn't gone to see them at all, or even called to check up on them. Then when Melanie had gone back and could see there was a chance that she might not ever get to go back. She grew afraid. Melanie had gone back to Washington to home, because next to Paul, it had been the one place that made her feel safe. It scared her when she saw there was a possibility her parents wouldn't allow her back there anymore. Mel had been afraid there was a chance she wasn't allowed to see her parents anymore, Or go home anytime she wanted to feel safe. She could see her parents weren't going to allow her to let them be the safety net anymore. She was going to have to make her own mistakes and learn from them herself now. Melanie took a deep breath as these thoughts settled in. Keeping quiet a few moments before she spoke. "I am sorry." She said quietly, giving her mother's hand a small squeeze.

Jennifer gave her daughter's hand a gentle squeeze in return. "It is quite alright Mel. Besides. As it's been said. That's all in the past right?" Melanie smiled a bit. "I suppose that is true." Jennifer had scooted slightly closer. Her arms wrapped around her daughter to give her a hug. Melanie slowly let her arms wrap around Jennifer to hug her back in return. "Everything will turn out in the end.. You'll see.." Jen stated quietly.

"I sure hope so." Mel whispered. Jennifer grinned as she said her next words. "Oh, I know so." Jen slowly pulled back from the hug after a few seconds, to take a look at her daughter. "Now.. Don't suppose you won't show me what you have in mind for a wedding dress?" She asked. Melanie smiled at the question. At the thought of the wedding. She couldn't wait until the time would come for her to marry Anthony. To become Mrs. Clark. Which she knew would come quicker than she thought.

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