Chapter Five : Apprentice

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The day after the Welcoming Feast was the start of classes. Elias was starting the day late with a potion class in the early afternoon. He'd spent the morning helping out Professor Sprout with her plants and taking care of the plants of the first greenhouse.

All day, the young man had been thinking about the Triwizard Tournament. It was still ages away, but it was so terribly exciting. The excitement seemed to be general, as most of the students Elias had passed by were talking about it. Who was going to be selected? What were the other schools like? What would the trials be? Would it be fun? Scary? A bit of both? Would Elias dare put his name in the tournament?

Even though he could not find any answer to the many questions swirling in his mind, Elias enjoyed thinking about it. This was going to be one hell of a year.

Still lost in thoughts, Elias was not paying enough attention to his surroundings. His good mood was ruined the moment he felt the water balloon hit his head. The plastic ripped apart. Before he even realised it, he was drowned under water.

Coughing, Elias managed to wipe away the water from his eyes, only to realize that there had been way more water in this water balloon than it should have been physically possible. He was completely wet from head to toe, as if he'd fallen into a pool of water. A puddle was starting to form at his feet.

Elias, feeling anger burn through his veins, lifted his head. As expected, Peeves was floating above him close to the ceiling. In his ghostly pale hands was another bright pink water balloon.

"Peeves!" yelled Elias. "What the fuck!?"

The poltergeist just laughed loudly.

"I thought we had a deal!" screamed Elias. He took a step forward and almost slipped. He was wet, cold and angry. Peeves was not getting away that easy.

"Sorry, little Filch," answered Peeves answered with a big smile, "your offer was revoked. The other boys had a better proposition. This is way more fun!"

"What the hell do you mean?!" Elias closed his fists. "What other boys?!"

"Boys? What boys?" innocently answered Peeves. "I did not mention anyone..."

"Who the fuck gave you those enchanted water balloons, Peeves?" exclaimed Elias. Thank God that no one was in the corridor, because his outburst was definitely not professor-worthy. But Peeves deserved it.

The poltergeist laughed hysterically.

"They were right! It is fun to bother you!" he answered. He grinned and lifted the water balloon in the air. Elias took a step back.

"Peeves, I swear to God, if you-"

Peeves threw the balloon on Elias without any hesitation. The young man didn't have time to duck before a wave of water hit him in the head. By the time he looked back up, Peeves had disappeared. Elias felt like screaming, but he refused to give the poltergeist that pleasure.

Instead, he tried to ignore the splash his shoes made every footstep and slowly made his way to his room. Peeves had mentioned "the other boys". There was no doubt in Elias' mind. It was the Weasleys. The day had been too quiet. He should've expected it. But that they would strike an alliance with Peeves, that, he had not expected.

Elias had thought to be smart when he had agreed to leave Peeves roam freely in the castle if he didn't bother him. He had thought to be the only one crazy enough to reason with a crazy ghost, which had been his fatal mistake. Of course the twins would attack him indirectly at first. There was no proof of their actions. Just Peeves annoying another student. It hadn't even taken Peeves a day to break his oath!

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