Chapter Four : The Triwizard Tournament

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Elias waited excitedly by the castle. Already, he could see the dark coaches approach Hogwarts, their lights flickering in the darkness. It was only September, but night was starting to fall sooner and sooner every day.

"Calm down, or you'll scare the horses," advised his father.

Argus was standing behind him, arms crossed over his chest. Ms Norris was resting lazily at his feet. Elias ignored the comment and zipped his coat. He wished he didn't have to cover up the Hogwarts crest on his new wizard robes, but it was truly getting cold.

"What about the first years?" asked Elias.

"They're coming by boat, so they'll enter last for the sorting ceremony," answered his father. He was in a good mood right now. Peeves had gotten absolute orders from the Headmaster to not prank anyone on the first day, which meant less work for the caretakers.

"Sorting, huh," muttered Elias to himself. He buried his hands in the pockets of his coat as he wondered in which house he would have been sorted into had he been accepted into Hogwarts when he was eleven. He truly did not know, and he'd never know until the sorting hat would rest on his head. Which would never happen, as he was all grown up now.

Yet, now, he was part of the wizarding world. Part of Hogwarts. He'd even been given the important task to welcome and secure the arrival of every student coming back to Hogwarts.

Having suffered the previous day in the hands of Professor Snape, who never found Elias good enough, even though his potions clearly answered the criteria, Elias was happy to finally have a moment where he could enjoy Hogwarts for what it was: an awesome wizarding school. Tonight was going to be great: not only would he see her again, but he'd finally witness a sorting ceremony and the feast following it for the first time in his life.

Already, the first carriage was arriving. Even though there were no horses pulling it, it stopped right in front of the entrance to the castle. From it came Professor McGonagall, with three other students. She had a long parchment in her hands, which she unrolled as she met with Elias and Argus.

"Here." She presented the parchment with a hurried expression. "We've taken attendance for most of the students. We're only missing two of them. If there's ever a Miss Jackson or Mr Kyles who suddenly appears, scratch them out from the list."

Professor McGonagall turned to the other students, who looked like second years, as soon as Argus had the parchment in his hands.

"This way! Come on, now! This way!" she indicated. The students hurried inside, barely glancing at either caretakers.

Already, the other coaches were arriving. Most students had the same behaviour as the first ones: they just hurried on, talking between each other, ignoring Elias' presence. After five carriages, Elias understood that perhaps his job wasn't as exciting as he had thought it'd be. Oh well. At least he had a coat to keep his warm, unlike the many students who were only wearing their school robes.

When the Weasley twins got out of their carriage, Elias made an effort to look even more invisible that he already was. Luckily, they did not notice him and went on with their friends Lee Jordan and Alicia Spinnet. Where was she?

Almost as if the universe had read Elias' thoughts, she arrived. Angelina Johnson, a sixth year witch, had just appeared. As beautiful as ever, with her gorgeous dark hair and bright eyes, she climbed down the coach as if she was a fairy. Elias' heart skipped a beat. She was even prettier than he remembered.

Angelina was with her friend, who Elias recognised as Katie Bell, who had always been friendly towards him. She was chatting with her, so Elias didn't interrupt them to say hi, even if he was dying to. He'd been friends with Angelina since she had volunteered to show him around Hogwarts when he had been eleven years old. They'd been good friends as years passed, even though they could only see each other for a few weeks per year. He always enjoyed spending time with Angelina, Katie and Alicia, even with Lee, but Fred and George always seemed to have something against him. Yet, it did not stop Elias from falling in love with her when he was fourteen. Ever since, he'd hoped of a day where they could spend more time together. And it seemed like this year would be the perfect opportunity.

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