"Get the fuck out of here Skye." She looks at him wide eyed for a moment before running passed him and into the distance. "Y-your grace?" I question, voice shaky. Before I had a chance to inhale a breath, his hands were gripped around my jacket, lifting me and throwing me across the cell, into the wall. An immense pain radiates across my body as I fall to the ground. I gasp a few times as the impact has winded me. I turn to look towards him, but I am greeted by his fist, several times. My head bounces off the cement ground, I bring my hands up to block my face as I feel it beginning to swell, each contact increasing the sharp pain. He grips my throat, pulling me up and pushing me into the cell bars. I cough out a splatter of blood as I desperately gasp for air. I finally have a chance to look into his eyes and the sight startles me. Complete darkness; his demon has come through. He breathes through his gritted teeth as he stares at me in hatred. He grips my face in his palm and once again throws me to the floor. I curl into a ball, covering my head once again. He kicks my shoulder, turning me on my back. "How did he find us!? It was you!" He screams in my face. I shake my head in confusion. "What are you talking about!?" I respond, matching his tone. He shoves me further into the floor. "If I find out you caused this. I will kill you myself, if Damien doesn't destroy you first." Terror consumes me at his words. I stare at him, frozen by my own fear. He places his hand on my chest. I look down confused, until a scorching heat burns through me causing me to wail out in pain. Screaming until my voice gives out and my body convulses. I feel a heavy liquid fill my throat, choking me as it rises up into my mouth like bile, the acidity burning along the way. I feel it pouring over my bottom lip and down my neck. Gargling, all the blood rushes to my face as I choke. I cough, splattering a black liquid all over myself and Cain. I look down to Cain's hand, where the black liquid overflows from his palm as well, pooling around my body. I yell in pain and terror as my sight fades in and out, my body giving up. A swift coolness flows across my body when Cain removes his hand, leaving an unbearable pain where his hand once was. He pushes himself up, standing over me. I roll onto my side, knowing I need to get whatever this liquid is, out of my mouth. The black pool continues to grow around me. I gain the strength to look up to Cain who is breathing heavily, the same black liquid dripping from his hand. "My brother may have been stupid enough to give you this 'gift'. But I deem you unworthy. I relieve you of the ability." My eyes widen at his words and my body quickly numbs, taking me into a delusional state. I lay in what was my inner shadow. He had removed it from my body and liquidated it in the process. My hand flops to the floor, as I drag it across the pool. I use my last remaining strength to lift my hand, watching as the thick liquid becomes transparent as it slides through my fingers. I had lost my shadow.


<-Damien's P.O.V->

His feet heavy as he slams his feet into the forest ground, pushing his way through the dark forest. His veins pulsing as the black liquid creeps over his body, through each vein, rising up his neck. A mild red glow surrounding him as a black smoke trails behind him. A young soldier stands guard in the dirt path, directly in front of him. She turns in his direction and is startled by the sight. With barely enough time to ready herself, Damien runs through her, feeding on her soul in a matter of seconds. Without a chance to defend herself, she falls hard to the ground, dead.

A few feet ahead, another soldier stands guard, but he seems to be prepared. "No no prince. Not today." The soldier taunts him by lifting his hand, pointing his index finger to the sky and waving it back and forth signalling 'no'. Without changing his pace, he runs until he is only a few feet from him. The soldier takes a small step back, losing his confidence momentarily. The soldier quickly tightens his fist and reaches out for a quick jab at Damien's face. Damien angles his body casually, dodging the soldiers attack. Before the soldier has a chance to bring his arm back in from the punch, Damien catches his wrist, holding it inches from his face. He pulls the soldier foreward, but stops him by palming the soldiers chin, pushing it up, away from him. Pulling his arm and pushing his face in opposite directions until his neck cracks. The soldier twitches as all resistance from him depletes immediately. Damien drops him and continues forward.

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