and, no, I didn't just look up a definition. I did my research. A lot of it actually.

In Islamic law, yes, it is considered incestuous but as far as I can tell, it's the only law that considers it to be so! So what does that mean? Unless you go by that law, it isn't considered incestuous. (if that's the case, I'm sorry for offending you.)

Incest causes inbreeding - and that's what happens when people who are blood related have children. (Which is what makes it illegal.)

I believe a big reason why some believe it to be incestuous, is because of all the propaganda spread by parents of these step siblings - which has then seeped it's way into society. These parents are so focused on trying to make their family seem "normal" that they will forbid anything that would counteract that - and in their minds, if their (unrelated) children fall in love with each other, it would ruin the facade they're trying to lead on. And are afraid of the backlash they may receive from the, equally, closed-minded people around them.

So, that's my opinion, on that.

I just hate when people say this, because it makes me look like I have some sort of incest kink, and that couldn't be farther from the truth! It was purely for drama purposes, nothing more!

oh, and if you're going to use the Westermarck effect as your argument, in this story, Jungkook and Taehyung did not grow up in the same house as one another, therefore, if you're going by the fact it's incest because of the Westermarck effect (or lack thereof), well, that effect had no chance of forming for them. so no, it still wouldn't be considered incest.

and besides, whether you believe it to be incest or not, this is a freaking STORY - regardless of our different views on it.

case in point #2 - people who are irritated by some hints at side ships.

oh. my. God.

(Ok, actually I can somewhat understand this. But, I still don't think it's right. )

When I say my story is Vkook, it's Vkook. I don't want to read your complaints about how there is too much jikook, or any other ship. (I've gotten these comments up to like, part 20+) I'm NOT the type of author to just throw lovey dovey Vkook at you from the get go (anymore.) There is a thing called character/story development, and that's what I focus mainly on in my fics. And yeah, sometimes that can take awhile!

AND SO, when the main ship hasn't sailed yet, I like to incorporate other ships here and there for fun while I can. Some of ya'll get so mad at me for even straying the teeniest amount away from your precious Vkook. I get it, it's a vkook story, and I too, love Vkook as much as you do, but give me a freaking break. They're OBVIOUSLY going to get together at some point, just be patient!

And this leads into the next thing, and somewhat relates to it.

case in point #3 - "this is too much drama"

maybe not in those exact words, but that's basically what they're saying.

If you want a story with absolutely no conflict or character development, go read a children's book meant for a 5 yr old or something. Oh wait, children's books have that too...

How about you go read a poem or something that's been written on the bathroom stall wall in your local mini-mart. Oh wait...some poems can get really deep too..

actually, you know what, better yet, just go stare at a brick wall or something.

For people (who say they're going to leave) to give me the excuse that there is too much drama in my story, and that's the reason they're going to stop reading, is a ridiculous one. I get it, there can be a lot going on at times, but if you want a story that doesn't have much drama, seriously, go find books that are just pure fluff and meant for readers who have preferences like you.

so, don't @ me saying why you're gonna stop reading if it's for a reason like that. I'll just ignore it, and possible even delete it.


I completely understand people have their opinions, and that's ok. It's just...what gets on my nerves are the people who get mad at me for writing the story the way I did. I mean, some people are just fucking rude to me, and want me to know everything that's wrong with it (it's not even constructive criticism either). And then of course the people who tell me why they're going to stop reading - almost as if they're trying to teach me a lesson.

I know I'm not a perfect writer - I never claimed to be. But when you write a comment that is meant to directly hurt me as the author, and you start (genuinely) complaining about what I have done (WHEN THE STORY IS OVER) I have one thing to say to you:

 But when you write a comment that is meant to directly hurt me as the author, and you start (genuinely) complaining about what I have done (WHEN THE STORY IS OVER) I have one thing to say to you:

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nah but seriously, of course you can still comment. all I ask is that you don't comment why you're gonna stop reading if the reason is purely because it isn't going the way you want it to. Every story is different, alright? You're free to dislike it. But don't be disrespectful about it, and find something else.

And of course, please don't comment overly rude things to me personally (or to any of my other readers in the comment section. yeah I see some of ya'll tryna pick fights) for no particular reason. I see everything, and it hurts.

As for the incest comments, like I said, if you did it, it's whatever. I forgive you. Just please remember, it was not my intention.

I'm sure I'm not the only author that gets annoyed of these things, but it's really irritating to see after the first couple hundred times. 🙃 so, DO YOU MIND being a bit kinder to the people (the authors) who spend hours and hours of their time writing, not only for ourselves, but for other's happiness and enjoyment as well? please and thank you.

and to the bigger group of people who are nice:

thank you. Thank you so much. Your comments have made my day countless times, and I really cannot express to you how happy some of you have made me, even on my saddest days. To take the time and tell me you love my means so so so so much to me. It's one of the best feelings ever. And It truly does give me that confidence boost to continue writing - confidence that I find myself lacking. a lot.

I really hope this a/n did not scare you away from commenting,because I do really love seeing people's reactions. it makes writing so worth while. I just really wanted to get my point of view out there - to let people know that I do see your comments. And I take each to heart. Both the mean, and kind ones.

And, If I could hug each and every one of you kind people, I would. but since I can't, here -

TAKE MY HEART ༼ つ ◕ v ◕ ༽つ ♡

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