Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Envy had to pay.

Dunn sat in the car with his partner. They hadn't move since Envy kicked Dunn out of the suite. He was fuming.. How dare that woman try to play him? Dunn was tired of being a lackey for that bitch then to come to find out he wasn't even her top lackey.

"What do you want to do?" his partner Michael Briggs, asked from the driver's seat.

"I don't know but I can't let that bitch get away with playing me like this," Dunn said. "Please I brought that little girl up there. That could have been your daughter or mines. Shit, what was I thinking? I can't keep doing this shit."

Briggs understood where his partner was coming from. Envy had dirt on a lot of them and she used her power often. In fact she used it too much which put Dunn and him deeper and deeper into a hole they could never get out of.

"I may not can stop that bitch," Dunn said pulling out his Glock 17 from his shoulder holster. "But maybe I can get that little girl out. She don't deserve this. And whatever that girl did to Envy had to be something major and that makes her A-okay on my book. She got under Envy's skin and that bitch's skin as thick as scales. I wish I knew what the hell this is all about?"

"Maybe she has something on Envy?" Briggs suggested.

Dunn nodded.

"That would make sense," Dunn agreed. "Something that must crush Envy pretty bad for her to go through all this to fuck with a little girl, a teenager at that. I seen that girl's face. She was scared as shit but she held strong. This girl might be the key to bringing Envy down."

"You think?" Briggs asked.

"I don't know, she seems like she don't know nothing," Dunn replied. "But Envy is committing murders, kidnapping, fucking playing all this shit out for her. So she has to be important and I'm going to find out why."

Dunn pulled back the lever of his gun and watch it snap back in place.

"Today Envy is going down."

Richie was calming down an hysterical Lyric on his couch. He was rubbing her back and trying to soothe her. He knew it was only a matter of time before the Help came through and got this problem off his hand.

Richie was joyriding with his boys when he spotted Lyric and Laurel on the edge of a street corner fighting and tugging with one of the dudes he recognized from his block. He pulled over and asked what the problem was and Lyric ran into his arms and started crying hysterically. Laurel kept suggesting going to the cops and Richie didn't know what was going on. Derek pulled him to the side after Richie calmed Lyric down for a minute and told Richie the whole story.

Richie didn't really want to be a part of any drama but once Derek mentioned someone named 'Envy', Richie's interests perked. He knew the name Envy from half of the hustlers that was really making money in his neighborhood. If Envy was after them, they were worth something.

Richie knew going to the police wouldn't do anything. Envy owned half of the force on his side of town and even further out. Envy would find them in a heartbeat once Lyric and Laurel went to the police.  Richie also knew that he could use this to his advantage as well and get credit instead of just handing them to the police into the hands of perhaps someone Envy knew. Maybe Lyric could be his golden goose.

Richie convinced the girls to come to his house first before going to the cops. He explained that Envy owned some of the cops and that she could easily get a hold of them if she ordered them to be detained at the station for God knows who to get them. Maybe even this Help person they were talking about. Lyric thought it made sense but Laurel was skeptical. One of Richie's boys, D-Blok, talked her into it by offering something Richie didn't get to hear.

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