Chapter five

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Chapter 5


Hurt had never been to Keron’s house before but she was glad she had her girls with her when she got the offer. She didn’t want Keron to get the wrong idea that he was going to get the kitty so easy all because he spent a couple of dollars on her. She wasn’t the type of girl that needed a man to do something for her in exchange for her personal goodies. That was Laurel’s thing. Hurt never knocked her for it, no, that would be a lie, she has knocked Laurel for it but Hurt knew to just accept that as just being who Laurel was. Hurt wouldn’t play those games.

Hurt had learned from her mother at a young age to treat what you had between your legs as gold because that’s actually what it was. Coochie had been the reason that wars had started, brotherhoods got divided, and how fashion designers became wealthy. So Hurt know how important her nana was. Her mother made that abundantly clear.

But Hurt can also admit she made her mistakes. Despite her mother’s constant warnings, Hurt was still a teenager and she was still was exploring her sexuality at a very impressionable age. Dudes had been trying to hit on her from junior high school and high school was worst. Hurt usually kept her grounds, flirting with the boys just enough to keep them interested but not enough to go the full way with them. Most of her male suitors gave up after the first couple of months of clothing fixation and finger playing but there were some that was persistent. One tried to use force and got kicked so hard in the privates, he saw stars. But then there was the guy that took her virginity. He was the type her mother warned her about because he was exactly how her father was. This guy was charming, smooth, good-looking, always stayed dip in nice clothing and always had a sexy smelling fragrance on. Every girl in her senior class of high school wanted him and he had his eyes on Hurt. His name was Lamir Tender and Tender was everything his name was and more according to Hurt.

Her mother knew about Tender because Hurt and her mother held no secrets and their bond was strong. Her mother warned Hurt that Tender may be more than what he appears and that wasn’t in a good way. Hurt’s mother didn’t want her daughter to go through the same torment she did chasing after a no good man that would end up just leaving her when the time called for it. Hurt took all her mother’s advice and promised her mother she would have a clear head when dealing with Tender. The clear head turned into a misty one when a night of drinking, dancing, riding to the pier and looking at the water turned into a passionate exchange of bodily fluids. Hurt knew once she gave Tender some, he might leave her but she didn’t care. She wanted Tender and she got him. But mother’s intuition is always right.

Hurt hoped Keron wasn’t like that but then again Tender started off sweet and innocent too. So Hurt kept her guard up when dealing with Keron even though she was curious to see how Keron would fell inside her. Hurt just had to play it cool.

Keron seemed all nervous during dinner, Hurt had noticed even when he was suggesting the whole gang going over to his house. Keron seemed preoccupied even though he was putting on a good face the whole time. She had asked him if anything was wrong but he quickly dismissed her concern saying it was fatigue from the whole event he had put a lot of energy in. Hurt brought the excuse but still had doubts. Keron always treated Hurt like he just love the time spent with her not like he wanted the ill nana. But then again most men play like cutty is the farthest thing from their mind until they get it. Hurt had been through those type of boys before mostly older. Older boys knew how to take their time to get what they want but after Tender, Hurt recognized game first. She wouldn’t be tricked into giving up the chocha only when she wanted to and was ready to.

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