Chapter 24 - Jade's Date with Jed: Part 2

Start from the beginning

"No cross! No time out!" Laila cries. 

"Stop, you need to talk to me. What's happened?" Jade tries again. 

Jade continues to hold her for a few minutes but when it becomes clear that she isn't calming down any time soon, nor telling her what is going on. Jade stands up slides on the hotel's slippers and goes next door to the other girls room. She knows that something must of happened last night to make Laila this distraught this early in the morning and with Laila not talking, she's got to go to the others. Jade knows that they will be awake thankfully as they were leaving at 9.30am for a radio interview and had been there when they set their alarms for 7.30, Jade didn't need a phone alarm as she practically had a human one that very rarely slept past half past seven! 

As Jade knocked lightly on the room opposite her own, Laila began to wriggle and kick to get out of her arms. She did not want to go in there! She didn't want Jade to find out what happened last night and be cross with her! 

"Laila, stop it right now," Jade scolded lightly, "If you keep this up I'm going to have put you in the corner to calm down," she warned as Perrie still dressed in her pajamas with half a face of makeup on opened the door. 

"Hey! How was your date?" she asked as soon as she saw Jade before stopping in her tracks seeing Laila. "What's the matter?" she changed. 

"I don't know. She won't talk to me and I think it's about last night. Did something happen?" Jade asked concerned. 

"Oh... come in, I'll get Jess and Leigh to explain," Perrie decides letting the two into the room before disappearing into one of the bedrooms to get the other girls.

Jade sat down on the one of the couches Laila placed across her lap and the other three joined them in the little living room. 

"Hey Laila, is this all about what happened last night?" Jesy asked calmly. 

"No tell! No trouble!" Laila begged pushing herself away from Jade and staring at the floor. 

"Laila, I've got to tell her what happened if it's making you this upset," Jesy explained, "But Jade's not going to get cross, are you Jade?" 

"No, of course not. I'm not cross," Jade comforted, and when Laila made no attempt to respond Jesy carried on. 

"Laila was a little bit upset last night when you left and when we gave her a bit of space to calm down, she snuck off and took Perrie's phone, which made her even more upset when she couldn't unlock it. So we took it off her and she had a bit of a meltdown on the floor in the bedroom, and kicked a little bit and she hit me and my nose was bleeding, but it's okay now and we had a cuddle and it's doesn't matter anymore," Jesy explained gently not wanting to upset Laila any further. 

"Oh right, okay," Jade nods. 

"B-but I s-said sorry!" Laila sobs sliding off the couch on to the floor hiding herself behind the coffee table. 

"You did! And we had a cuddle to make it feel better!" Jesy said as Jade stood up and joined Laila on the floor. 

"Laila..." Jade said sadly sitting as close to her as she could get, "Come and sit back up here and have a cuddle," she suggested. 

"No! I'm sorry J-jesy!" she cries not really listening to what Jade was saying. 

"Okay, okay," Jade decides lifting Laila up despite her kicking and holding her firmly to her chest while she cried and running her fingers through her hair. "Calm down, and we'll have a chat," she explains as Jesy joins them on the couch and Perrie and Leigh Anne carry on getting ready. At least half of them had to be ready by the time the car was picking them up! 

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