Chapter 2: Meeting Her

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[( Wow, okay! I can honestly say that you guys are literally the greatest fans in the whole world! You left such kind reviews for the first chapter and that makes me really happy that I'm writing something that people actually enjoy reading! All of you are amazing and I just wanted to say thank you for giving me the confidence to continue my story-writing! I love you all! )]

Spencer's POV:

I had some new neighbors move in just down the street and I thought it would be nice to welcome them to the neighborhood, so I stayed up all night making my famous double chocolatey-chip cookies! I'm really excited to meet them, because I hear the couple has 7 year old twin children, which means more babysitting and extra money for me! I know that sounds like something Hanna would say, but I honestly am tired of asking my mommy and daddy to give me money. I just want to earn my own living through blood, sweat, and tears.

I decided today should be the day to go introduce myself to my new neighbors, so I throw on a nice floral-print dress and a black cardigan, grab the plate of cookies, and walk out of the house. I make my way down the street until I reach the 2-story house with a sign that says "SOLD" in big red letters. I find my way to the soft yellow front door and give a friendly knock.

I wait there for about a minute until a cute little girl flings open the door and gives me a wide smile.

"Hello! I'm Bailey! Who are you?" she states quickly, saying that all in one breath.

"Hi Bailey, I'm Spencer and I live down the street. I just wanted to introduce myself and welcome you to the neighborhood!" I explain warmly.

"Oh, okay! You wanna meet my brothers? You can come in if you want," she says, once again jumbling her words quickly. I nod my head and step into the quaint little house with stray boxes all around the floor. Once inside, a little boy the same size as Bailey comes skipping into the room.

"Hi, I'm Matthew and Bailey is my twin sister!" he shouts excitedly, holding his hand out for me to shake with a smile. I kindly shake his little hand.

"TOBY! WREN! THERE'S A PRETTY GIRL HERE AND SHE WANTS TO MEET YOU!" Bailey spits out, causing to doors to practically fly open upstairs, along with 2 sets of feet pounding down the stairs. Once into sight, they both stop abruptly, practically drooling when they see me. I feel my cheeks get red and try my best to just smile and not make the situation awkward.

"Hi, I'm Spencer," I state.

Toby's POV:

The most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on is standing in the middle of my living room. One look at her and I'm smitten. I rip my eyes away from her for a split second and glance over at Wren, who has the same reaction.

"Sooooo, are you gonna just stand there, or are you gonna say something?" Bailey questions, breaking us out of our trance. I clear my throat and begin to speak.

"Uh, Bailey, Matthew, why don't you go upstairs and be somewhere other than here?" Wren questions coldly, giving them the stink eyes.

"Fine, but we're taking the cookies," Matthew states, grabbing the cookies out of Spencer's hands and running upstairs.

"Well a-anyways, hi, I'm T-Toby. It's a p-pleasure to m-meet you," I say, trying to act smooth, but failing miserably which earns a small giggle from Spencer. Gosh, she's so cute when she giggles, ugh, no! Focus, Toby!

"And I'm Wren. I'm a doctor," he flirts, raising his eyebrows in a flirtatious manner. I roll my eyes and glace back at Spencer who is extremely uncomfortable. I quickly try to change the subject.

"So, what brings you here?" I ask, causing her to blush.

"Well, actually, I live down the street and I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood! Oh and I heard you had little siblings so I just wanted to let your parents know I'm available to babysit anytime!" she replies, becoming more comfortable.

"That sounds great! We'll let Mom and Dad know you're available," Wren butts in, stepping closer to her.

"Um, uh, so Toby! You're going to Rosewood High, right?" she asks, trying to avoid looking at Wren who is now inching his way even closer to Spencer. I nod, kicking Wren in the shin to avoid him getting any closer to her.

"That's great! Maybe I'll see you around," she starts, inching closer to the front door, "um, well let me know when you want me to babysit... Bye!" she exclaims, running out the door.

"Way to screw it up for me Toby!" Wren yells, screaming into a pillow.

"What? Man, you screwed yourself! You're the one who was making her uncomfortable acting like a perv in front of her! And I hate to break it to you, bro, but I think she's a little too young for you. But on the other hand, she's perfect for me!" I spit out, causing him to get in my face.

"Toby, a girl like that wants a real man, not some little boy. But, I guess we'll just see who she wants to be with. May the best man win!" he exclaims flicking me in the face and walking away. I grunt, knowing Wren means it when he says he wants her. But he's not going to steal this one away from me. I won't let him.

[( HEYYY! What did y'all think? Did you like it better than last chapter?? Let me know what you think by leaving a review in the comments! Keep in mind, I have another story going on right now that is more popular, so I will probably giving that story more attention, but I will make time to update this story, I PROMISE!! Love ya you amazing followers! Kisses, -Amy )]

Love Triangle (A Spoby/PLL AU Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz