Chapter 5: Conflict

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[( A/N: Hey guys!  I had a pretty rough day with my sister, who's 14 years older than me and thinks she can be my mother (and make me cry), so I figured I'd write my feelings.  Let's just pretend Wren is Holly (my sister) and Toby is your favorite PLL fanatic Amy (aka ME!), and Spencer is my fabulous internet friend who helped me get through today.  Anyways, just a warning, this chapter could be pretty emotional just because I'm writing straight from my real life experiences with my older sister, so sorry if it gets a little TOO emotional, but I'd rather apply it to the story rather then rant about it to you guys in an author's note.  SORRY TO BORE YOU; ONTO THE STORY! )]

Toby's POV:

Once the euphoria from Spencer's hug wears off, I am left to my thoughts as I drive to Rosewood Elementary to pick up the twins.  Great, now I have TWO guys I have to compete with for Spencer's attention, I think to myself.  I shake those negative thoughts away and continue driving.

"Oh Toby, you've got this in the bag after today," I say to myself, and pull into the pick-up lane at the school.

The twins hop in the back and we head home.  I unlock the front door and find Wren sprawled out on the couch, fast asleep, with "Grey's Anatomy" playing on tv.  Hippocrite, I think to myself.  I quietly tell my siblings to go upstairs, then proceed to pick up a pillow and chuck it at him, causing him to jump off the couch with a frazzled look on his face.

"You're such a brat," he mumbles, throwing the pillow back at me.  A surprised look comes across my face when he says that, and I become irritated.

"Why don't you find a better insult?  You've certainly been using that one for a while," I reply, the situation becoming tense.

"Fine, you're an annoying, immature brat," he shoots back, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Wren, why can't you ever say anything nice to me?  Why can't we do stuff like this without starting a fight?" I question, trying to hide the pain behind my blue irises.

"I'm 5, almost 6 years older than you, Toby!  You're so immature, that I feel life more of a father to you than a brother!  I can't relate to you!" he shouts.  "I've always wanted a brother who would follow in my footsteps and become a doctor, someone I could be proud of!  But no, you're more interested in football and building silly little bookshelves in your free time.  That's nothing I can be proud of!  We're nothing alike!" he screams, metaphorical steam shooting from his ears.

"I don't need another father, I need a brother!  And I'm sorry I'm not the perfect brother you've always wanted, Wren, but I'm not going to change who I am for you!  Why can't you just accept me for who I am and make an effort to do things with me, instead of wishing I was someone else?" I throw back, hurt practically spilling from my mouth.  Tears begin to form in my eyes, but I keep my hard glare. This is a much needed argument.

"I won't do things with someone I have nothing in common with," he states coldly, a look of pure hate on his face.

"Well maybe Matthew will be the brother you've always wanted.  That way you'll be proud of someone in this family," I shoot back, equally as cold.

I turn on my heel, yank open the door, grab my keys, and walk swiftly out the door.  All I know is, I'm done trying to please my brother.  If he wants a real relationship with me, he can make the effort himself, because I'm done.

I drive mindlessly until I somehow reach the park.  I decide to take a seat on one of the benches to clear my head.

I'm not quite sure how long I was staring into blank space, when I feel a light tap on my shoulder and a hand moving up and down in front of my face.  I shake myself back to reality and look up to see Spencer in running clothes and her hair tied back.  She smiles at me when I look up, and then her smile turns to a frown when she realizes there's something wrong.  She takes a seat in the spot next to me and turns to face me.

"Toby, what's wrong?" she asked, her chesnut irises full of worry.

I shake my head and mutter, "Nothing."  She gives me a doubtful look and places a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, you know you can tell me anything.  I'm here for you," she replies, looking at me, expecting an answer.

I sigh heavily, and begin, "My brother won't accept me for who I am.  He starts an argument at any little thing, and he flat out told me he wasn't proud of me because I don't want to be a doctor like him."

She sighs as well, replying, "Oh Toby, I think you need to stop looking for acceptance from your brother.  You be happy with who you are, and if he doesn't like it, then screw him.  If it's any consolation, I love who you are," she smiles.

I smile to myself.  She gives the best advice.  I turn to her and sincerely reply, "Thank you, Spencer.  I feel a lot better now."

She smiles once more and gives me a warm hug, kissing my cheek before she gets up, waves goodbye, and continues on her run.

I touch my hand to my cheek and smile to myself.  She really is amazing.

[( A/N: So yep, this chapter was pretty sappy, but the dialogue was very very VERY close to the words my sister and I exchanged today, and also my friend's words that helped make me feel better.  The only difference is the setting.  I'm sorry if there wasn't much Spoby in this chapter but honestly, I wrote this chapter to make myself feel better and I think the Spoby scene at the end was pretty cute. Anyways, thanks for reading and I would love to see your feelings on the chapter in the comments :).  The only request that I have is no negative comments on this chapter, because I didn't make this one up, I experienced it today so... just no rude comments, please.  Until next time, babes!  Kisses, -Amy )]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2015 ⏰

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