Chapter Twenty

Comincia dall'inizio

Like Vince had said, no more then fifteen minutes. As if on cue he walked through the coffee shop doors after shutting his umbrella and shaking it off.

"Ready to go?"

He flashed me that handsome charming smile as he walked to my table.


damnit! I was doing good with not stuttering in front of him for the last few days but now it slipped! Vincent outstretched a manly strong hand for me to take and led the way out of the shop with his umbrella opened and hovering in the air above our heads.

"Let's hurry to the car, it's windy as hell out here"

Not to mention raining as well.

Just as we began to power walk down the side walk to the car that was a couple spaces back, a Strong thick rainy wind swept over us and yanked the umbrella from Vincent's hand and launched it away in the air where it blew far away from our reach.


He yelled as he quickly put his dark leather jacket over our heads while we ran faster.

Once inside of the car Vincent drove off not wasting anytime while he turned the heat on.

"That was some epic shit out there!"

I breathed with a laugh when the umbrella went flying away, imagine Mary Poppins on the other end of that umbrella.

The sight I saw made me laugh more. Vince smiled at me with a chuckle.

"Your laugh is contagious, and it's beautiful"

Vincent said, his voice deepening while he glanced at me and quickly back at the wet rainy roads trying to focus.

"Thanks but seriously you should focus all of your attention on this highway"

Vince smiled at me but nodded with a swift move he turned the radio on low. Don't by Ed Shareen began to play.

Bitting my lip to keep from singing along I decided to settle for whispering the lyrics under my breath.

"Met This girl late last year she said don't you worry if I disappear, I told her I'm not really looking for another mistake I called an old friend thinking the trouble would wait, but then I jumped right in a week later and returned I reckon she was only looking for a lover to burn"

"But I gave her my time two or three nights then I put it on pause until the moment was right."

Vince cut me off finishing the part of the lyrics I sang. With a sexy smirk he winked at me slyly.

"You listen to this stuff?"

Vincent laughed slightly before responding.

"All the time back then, my sisters would blast it...I hated the song because they always played it to annoy me but after a little while the lyrics rubbed off on me and I couldn't get it out of my head"

A sweet laugh came from him afterwards and I couldn't help but smile and laugh at that.

He's so damn sweet!

He smirked but kept his eyes ahead on the blurry road, his windswippers swooshing the rain and fog from the window.

When we pulled up to the house moms car and Nats car were missing from there normal spot. I thanked Vince and got out to open the door but it was locked. With some hope that perhaps the cars were parked inside of the garage, I knocked on the door loudly but nobody answered. I had went to get my key from my pocket when I remembered I'd left it on my dresser top.


I ran back to the car and jumped in as thunder struck the sky loudly causing a rather girly scream to erupt from my throat. Shit, shit, shit! What will Vincent think?


Vincent smiled sweetly at me.

"I thought it was pretty damn cute"

He said referring to my scream.

"You would"

I nervously said. He smiled and glanced to the house then to me.

"You should"

He finally commented causing a grin to take over my face.

"I left my key in the house and nobody's home and the doors are locked."

If Vincent had thought that to be dumb then he didn't say anything about it as he Maneuvered the car out of the driveway and down the street.

"We're going to my place then."

I didn't mind as I slightly shivered, moving around to make it less obvious as Vince turned the heaters in my direction for my warmth.


I finally responded Vince drove a little faster on the road that cars were barely on due to the fact that there was a bad storm brewing even worse.

  "Where here."

When I looked out the foggy windows I wondered how exactly we'd even made it here safely. I couldn't see a damn thing. Vince got out and rushed to my side helping me out as the rain hit the ground and us violently, trees were blowing so viciously it looked as though they'd blow away. A man rushed out from infont inside of the huge place we were at although I couldn't tell where we were or what the place was because it was raining to hard and I was barley able to hear my own thoughts.

"Sir, allow me to park your car in the garage for you."

Without a second though Vince handed the man his car keys and gave a faint 'Thanks' and rushed us both indoors where It was very warm and quiet. The place looked luxurious as he led me into a elevator and pressed a high button.

"Wow, this is beautiful!"

I whispered in amazement when Vince unlocked his front door to revel a huge opening.

"Is this a penthouse?"

Vincent only nodded his head while he shut and locked the door. Call me crazy for allowing a man I'd met nearly three or four days ago to take me to his place, for all I know he could have been a kidnapper but I highly seriously doubt that. I felt safe with Vince.

"You can wear these while I put  your clothes in the dryer."

A pair of sweats and a black shirt.


Vincent smiled and showed me where the bathroom was as I hurried to switch my clothes while he waited on the other side of the closed door for my wet clothes.

"Thank you again Vince"

I said gently while he sent me a grin and nodded.

"You can help yourself to anything in the house and you can lay down on my bed or the guest bed if your tired" 

Vincent called out in a sweet manner while he, I assume, puts my clothes in the dryer. The shirt that I was burrowing from Vince was slightly oversized and one side showed my smooth light skinned shoulder, but I hadn't minded to fix it because I knew it would just slip off  yet again. I made a sandwich for me and Vince and I took a can of pop that was in the fridge for us both while taking a seat at the table.

"I made you a sandwich"

I spoke softly keeping an eye on his face.

"Aw, thank you Nate!"

He grinned and sat infront  of me taking a bite as I did the same.

"I think I'll take a nap in your bed"

I yawned as if this was a everyday norm.

"Mhm, that's fine by me"

I took one last sip of my pop and Vince told me where his room was. When I stumbled in I fell into the fort of his king sized bed and fell asleep almost instantly; feeling as though I were on a fluffy cloud that gets overly dramatic in cartoons that kids watch we all know how dangerous clouds really are.

The Strong and The weak Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora