I crinkled up my eyebrows and screwed my noise up staring at him.

"Your fucking gross!"

He gave me a 'come on' look.

"There's seriously nothing out of order here!"

Nat defended himself.

"Okay, I wake up come to the bathroom to shower and my twin is casually shaving his balls and I'm suppose to be like 'hm nothing out of order here,' then continue with my shower?!"

Nat nodded his head while he continued to shave.

"Yeah that's nasty, make sure you clean your mess up when your done"

I slammed the door shut hearing him chuckle while I walked to moms room and knocked on her door.

"Come in"

She called out sounding far away.

Pushing her door open she's already dressed in a black expensive dress and some high heels, make up and everything done up to perfection.

"Where are you going?"

Mom Smiles at  me before answering.

"I'm taking over your fathers job."

I nodded silently not really even knowing what he even does for a living.

That's sad.

"Can I use your shower Nats shaving and I need to get dressed."

She shook her head and laughed.

"Yeah go ahead"

With a Thanks I make my way into her bathroom and shower.

"Fuck forgot my soap!"

No way in hell am I about to get out all wet for some soap when there were bottles in here.

Girl soap! It doesn't matter I'll spray cologne on.

The bottle that was most full was the one I washed up with, it smelled of sweet blossoms and fruit. Vanilla. Just a small hint of it.

When I went to my room with my towel wrapped around me I caught Nat with my phone talking into it all causally but his voice sounded less masculine I could tell he was trying to make it sound slightly feminine.

"What are you doing?"

He jumped and turned to look at me raising a finger to his lips while putting the phone on speaker.

"Is eleven or twelve a good time to have lunch? I could pick you up from school and we can drive to a nearby cafe or restaurant."

My heart skipped a beat at Vincents hard manly voice laced with morning, after Nat put him on speaker.

"That sounds good I'll text you the school street." 

Nat responded back.

"I have to get my clothes on now"

He said my face flushed.

"Oh...your naked?"

Vincent asked his voice sounding rough and sexy mixed with amusement and mischief.

"Oh yeah I have nothing but a towel on. I'm wet I just took a shower"

I ran over to Nat and snatched my phone glaring at him.

"That's hot"

Vincent replied his voice deeper.

I bit my lip my mind going back to earlier when I fantasized him sucking my cock. I twitched.

"I'll text you back"

I quickly hung up after he agreed.

"You asshole!"

I yelled at Nat while he laid on my bed smirking and grinning at me.

"I was only making us even!"

He laughed at my face and I sharply turned and grabbed an outfit from my closet while my phone vibrated, I rushed to it and looked at his message.

Vincent: what are you doing right now?

I paused and ignored Nat while he talked. I dropped my towel and slid clean boxers on.

Me: I'm putting my boxers on now.

Vincent: cute. What color are they?

Me: there silky red

Vincent: damn...that sounds so sexy

Me: lol

My cheeks hurt from constantly blushing while I re-read our conversation.

"I'm not going to be able to make breakfast today I need to leave right now if I'm going to make it on time."

Mom poked her head in not even mentioning why I wasn't dressed yet or why Nat laid on my bed on his phone.

"Can you boys please, please take Mel to daycare I wrote the directions on a sticky note put it into the GPS and you'll get there."

She didn't wait for an answer as she hurried out of the room.

"She has to be there before 8:50 or they won't take her!"

Mom called as she walked down the stairs.

I glanced at Nat who hadn't looked up from his phone.

Me: my mom is leaving early me and Nat need to eat and take my baby sister Mel to school.

Vincent: ooo cool :) we can call later around lunch before I pick you up

He wasn't asking me he was telling me, and I liked that he didn't ask me if it was alright.

Me:  ^-^

Without waiting for a reply I got dressed and went to make cereal while getting Mel.

"Nat come help me!"

Nat walked down the stairs with his phone and then went to pick up Mel.

"What do I do with it?"

Nat asked holding Mel a few inches away from him. I gasped.

"What do you mean...it?"

He laughed loudly and kissed Mel's face.

"I was kidding!"

He shook his head.


I rolled my eyes and sat Mel's food down while she ate.

Mel was quiet as she fed herself and watching her reminded me that I needed to eat my own food before it got cold and before we had to go.

The Strong and The weak Where stories live. Discover now