After getting dressed while thinking I went downstairs and helped mom make the plates while she talked on the phone...with dad.

"Okay, love you"

She kissed the speaker on the phone making me cringe, then hung up after his reply.

With a wide happy smile she looked at me.

"That was your dad"


With a 'I know' smile I shook my head and sat the plates on the table. Should I even eat in here with them? Mom would make me.

The door opened up causing my heart to leap into my throat. Nervousness and fear seeped through me. I wanted to sneak out and back to my room. I didn't like the feeling I always got whenever dad entered my presence it made me almost sick with pure fear.

Would he hit me for just standing here? I helped set the table though...

I tried to swallow the lump that formed in my raw throat.

"Did you guys have fun?"

Dad leaned over and kissed Mom on the lips. It made me sick because I was standing near mom. Uncomfortable.

"Yeah we had fun. How was your day beautiful?"

I couldn't take it I moved away from them with anger and annoyance in my strange eyes. I was angered because of how he treated everyone else perfectly, like a happy fucking family and just left me out as though I never even existed.

It hurt my feelings more then I would ever admit.

"Wheres my beautiful angel at?"

He asked looking around for Mel.

"She woke up about a hour ago and fell asleep again."

Dad nodded.

"It smells good in here what did you cook?"

I didn't listen to her reply I simply just walked upstairs and opened Nats door while he was inside throwing off clothes. I didn't care.

"Hey Nat"

he looked up while taking his pants and boxers off standing naked in his room looking for something.


He walked to his closet.

"What did you do today?"

He asked.

"Mom took me to the mall"

He nodded his head and pulled out a blue towel and through it over his bare shoulder.


He smiled. He had black and yellow stripes on his face signaling some kind of football group.

"Me and dad went to a football game"

He unknowingly just kind of teased me. I ignored it. He hadn't meant to.

"I'm getting in the shower. Some asshole had spelt there drink on me at the game."

Nat shook his head.

"Better hurry it up moms going to be pissed if your not down for dinner"

Nat looked over his shoulder at me with this look in his eyes but nodded and walked down the hall and on to the bathroom. Nats phone ranged. Should I answer it? Fuck it.
Pressing answer, a males voice came through the speaker.

"Hey, I was wondering if you'd want to meet up parents aren't home."

My mouth slightly hung open. What?!

The Strong and The weak Where stories live. Discover now