The Strong and The weakling

Start from the beginning


How badly my throat burned at the hot chilly I shouldn't have swallowed.

"What the fuck do you even call this shit? I'm a man and so is Nathan. Do you think this shit is supposed to fill us up?!"

Dad stared at me with pure rage while he snatched the bread I had made and threw it across the room like a football.

It wasn't my fault. I only wanted to make a dinner meal, and didn't even have much of a choice really.

Dad hadn't stood up yet, which I was grateful for.

"Answer me you fucking disgrace!"

Tears began to fall from my eyes while I struggled to think of what to say. There wasn't anything I could say about why I decided to make chilly with bread.

"And now your crying like a little bitch. Get your ass up, now you need to be taught a lesson. I'm so sick of this shit!" 

I hadn't moved from my seat as I wiped my tears and shook with fear, watching as he stood up to his full height and walked over to me with such rage.

His big, strong hand roughly took ahold of my upper arm while he yanked me out of my seat.

Fear settled and I gripped onto his shirt for balance.

For me, it's a instinct to try to fight him even if I don't succeed. I try to snatch my arm from his tight grasp as I scream at him.

"Get off of me!"

Broken sobs escaped me along with Melody's heartbreaking cry's.

Mom just sits there holding and rocking my little sister, doing nothing in her power to help even though I know she's scared. Nathan watches while I struggle.

He wants to help, but he's frightened of what dad would do to him if he tries.

Dad threw me on the floor, knocking the breath from my lungs and seizing my cries and sobs for only a second before his foot rammed into my stomach.

The pain was unbearable, a shaky intake of breath is all I get while I'm being beaten.

Kicked, slapped and punched while he yells insulting things that a child or teenager should never have to hear.

Shortly after, he stands up and walks out and slams the house door behind him. It's quiet in the dinning room and the only sounds are my sad, desperate whimpers.

Mom gets out of her chair the moment we hear dad's car pull out of the driveway and rushes to me with silent tears leaking from her tear ducts.

"I'm so sorry, Nate. You know I couldn't do anything"

She takes a silent breath in and tries to help me up, but with my shaking and whimpering form I am not in the least bit of mood for pity and should haves.

"Please- just leave me alone!"

I yell out at her with a broken sob, but she doesn't leave her hands as she tries to help me up yet again.

"Nate, come on. It's okay, I'm here let me help you"

Her tears fell as she wiped them away frantically.

"I said leave me alone!"

Mom gasped and stayed there for a few minutes before standing up and grabbing a sobbing Melody, going upstairs.

My tears had stopped as I laid there on the cold wood floor, comparing death with this situation.


My brother calls to me while still in his seat at the table.

The fact that he hadn't tried to help me was present in my mind.

Was it his fault that he was scared? Was it my mothers also?

I didn't know.

"W-what do you w-want?"

I shook on the floor, cold shivers going up and down my body.

"I need to help you to your room before he gets back."

I didn't say anything to him while he picked me up in his arms, only a groan of pain coming from me.

Nathan was always sorry for what happens to me, but no one in this house seemed to ever make an effort to help me, but they feel bad so either Nathan or mom tries to make it up to me by helping me when it's to late...when I'm already beaten and bruised.

Nathan lays me down on the bed and covers me up.

"Nate, do you want pain killers?"

It hurts so much to move my head when I wanted to reply.

"Yes, Nat."

He nods and leaves to get some from the bathroom across the hallway.

Yet little does he know...there's always a bottle of pain killers in my room in my bed side table.

"Can you sit up or does it hurt?"

Nat asks me while he has a white pill in his hand with a bottle of water he no doubt got from beside my bed.

With a painful pull, I was sitting up and straining my bruised torso as I quickly took the pill and threw the water back to wash the pill down my raw throat.


Came my raspy reply as he gave me a sad nod.
I felt a indescribable pain twinge in my chest when Nat took a step away.

He paused and turned to me with tears in his eyes.

"You probably think I'm the worst twin brother ever!"

He roughly swiped at his tears as he stood before me. This sight was a new one, I haven't seen my twin cry since we were youngsters.

"No, I don't think that. This isn't your fault or responsibility"

Nat sniffed and looked away then back to me.

"Can...can I sleep in here with you tonight?"

It's been years since he's asked me that question. I didn't realize how much I missed it until he said it.

"Yes, please"

He nods and takes his shoes off after shutting the door. Nat laid in the bed next to me and wrapped his arms protectively around me. There was slight tense in my body, but it evened out and I was relaxed.

The pain killers made me doze off into sleep. Then there was a loud bang and heavy footsteps coming up the stairs.

I knew who it was and I was frightened as I gasped and gripped onto Nats arms as if he could protect me, but in all honesty I knew that if my dad walked in'll be all men for themselves and I'd be left alone.

"Shh, it's okay Nate."

Nat stroked my hair, but I knew he was slightly trembling and was trying to appear stronger for me.

"Get some rest, You know that tomorrow is dads off day."

Dads off days where Sunday and Friday, and those days seemed to be awful. Sundays were the worst of all if I don't leave the house.

"Night Nat."

I whispered to him and he made a little sound.

"Goodnight Nate."

The pain killers put me to sleep.

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