chapter 2 (next day)

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Demi woke up in her bed back in Dallas Texas she reached over and felt around expecting Wilmer to be there and when she turned over to see why she didn't feel him she remembered the horrible night before she got out of bed with a sigh. She checked the alarm clock on her night stand and noticed the time "shit" she cursed it was already 11 she jumped out of bed and threw some clothes on and ran to her car. Her mom was in the kitchen cooking breakfast "morning demi" she said as demi said "I'll be back sorry mom" and continued running to her car knowing she was an hour late to pick up Alexis. As soon as she got in the car and was on her way she texted the baby sitter OMFG I over slept sorry on my way now.. and it was no surprise when she checked her phone that she had 37 missed calls from Wilmer she didn't hesitate before deleting her call log and locking her phone. 5 minutes later her baby sitter texted back hey demi its fine Alexis just woke up see you soon demi sighed in relief that Alexis had just woke up she was at her baby sitters house so she turned the car off grabbed her phone and ran inside. When she knocked on the door Alexis opened it and yelled mama she jumped in demis arms and demi said hi baby were gonna go spend the day at grandmas okay but I need to talk to Chelsea (the babysitter) so go watch some cartoons okay? okay mama Alexis replyed. "Chelsea I need to talk to you about something" demi said "okay you can tell me anything" Chelsea replied " well last night I got off early and went home to suprise Wilmer and walked in on him and Alisa having sex." demi said "omfg I'm so sorry demz that sucks you go be with your mom and Alexis and I won't call Wilmer or anything" thanks Chelsea demi cried into Chelsea's shoulder as chels rubbed her back... let's go alexis demi said and they left

dilmer ; issuesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora