(1) December

43 2 2

...His Suicide Note...

"If you are reading this then I have considered thoroughly ending my life earlier than I had intended, please don't get the idea in your mind that somehow you could have possibly changed my thinking. Because nothing you or anyone could have said or done would have changed it, spending a lot of time alone has made me realise that there is truly nothing left to live for not like there was anything to live for before I met you. Honestly, you seriously made me reconsider and that really frustrated me to the point where I began to self-harm again, but do not blame yourself the last thing I would want to happen is for you to end up doing something extremely dumb and hurt those around you that care so much about you. If you truly care about me the way you keep saying that you do then I want you to live, I want you to live a life that I know you deserve, you deserve to be treated like a queen and nothing less. I want you to marry a man worthy of calling you his wife, do not ever compare him to me the last thing I want is for you to think of me and wonder what would have happened if you had stopped me from doing this what our life might have been like if you had saved me. I want you to marry someone that you truly love and that treats you right and you will have kids and grow old together and have a fairytale book life because you deserve nothing less than a magical life because you are a truly beautiful person inside and out and I don't even have to know what you look like to know that. So my love with you being the last thing on my mind before I end it all I ask that you grant me just this one wish, please live on for me."

Writing his suicide letter was the third most difficult thing Tyler ever had to do in his entire life, number two was actually going through with his suicide after he placed the letter on her nightstand, and number one was making the decision after he had met her.

Tyler wasn't expecting to have stumbled upon her that night at the beach, he was going to swim into the ocean and join the shipwrecks at the bottom of the seabed. He hadn't thought that he would meet her crying and cursing at the sand as if it were the one that had broken her heart. At the moment he decided to console her, he didn't realise that she would fit herself into his heart.

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