chapter six.

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After finding out we had been accepted to Mount Weather College, Bellamy and I have been packing our things. We were in the garage putting the last of our things in our cars. Bellamy had chosen a red corvette, while I obviously chose black.

"I think that's the last of my things" I say

"Yeah me too. Ready to finally face society?" he says with a grin. Ugh, college kids. My worst nightmare. 

"Yes, I love college kids" I say with sarcasm. I was actually excited to go to college, I had been locked in this bunker with Bellamy for a year.

"We should get going. I'll follow your car?" he asks. 

"Yeah. Lets go" I say. Bellamy gives me a quick kiss as I get into my car and blast my favourite playlist. This was going to be a long ride.



A few hours later, I was getting hungry and I needed to go toilet. I called Bellamy over the bluetooth to let him know I had to stop or my carseat would be soaked in urine

"Hello?" he picks up the phone. "Is there something wrong? Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, i'm fine, I just need to eat." I didn't mention the bathroom because he would just mock me.

"Me too. Stop here at this McDonalds" he says as we pull into the McDonalds parking lot. I turn off my car and stretch as I step out. It felt great to stretch. I walk over to Bellamy who was waiting at the front of the disgusting fast food building.

"It's so dirty" I say with a disgusted look on my face. The floor had bits of food everywhere.

"Just like you're mind" he whispered in my ear. I slightly chuckled and playfully hit him in the chest. He laughs.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom. Order me a cheeseburger meal" I say.

"Anything for the princess" says Bellamy, mocking a bow.

"Haha" I say as I walk into the bathroom.

When I come out of the bathroom, I see Bellamy seated with our meals in front of him.

"I tried to get the cleanest table" he said and I smiled. He was really thoughtful.
After the night I was shot in the shoulder and things got heated, we had just been close like that, but we never really put a title on our relationship. It was just, I don't know, us. 
Things for us were going pretty well, so I didn't want to push something on him and ruin what we had. 

After we finished our meals, we headed back on the road.



We stopped a few more times before finally arriving at Mount Weather High. 

"Wow" is all that manages to come out of my mouth.

"First time at college, Princess?" he asks with a smirk on his face. That smirk is everything. 

"Yeah. Lets go inside." I say. We walked into the main building. The dorms were seperate, girls on the left, boys on the right. There were a lot of sorority houses, but I wasn't really interested. I had seen what happens to girls in those groups and I didn't want to get involved. I'm sure every girl that has watched Scream Queens had reconsidered joining sororities. Or maybe I was the only one. We were walking until Bellamy froze. I wondered why, until I saw a girl with a suitcase staring with the exact same facial expression at him. She was a spitting image of Bellamy. His sister! I thought she lived in Seattle, unless, that's what Bellamy told me.

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