Episode 6: ....An old problem

Start from the beginning

Toriel: "Here......... we are."

Darko: "So this is where you teach? Not bad"

Tom wasn't such surprised by Toriel's workplace, but being in a great University Toriel didn't care about that.

Toriel: "You can take care about the Orange Class: the teacher had a stomach ache, so we need your."

Darko: "Sure, I'll be glad to help!"

Toriel: "Great! See you later!"

Darko: "Bye Tori"

The professor went to the Orange Class and after he introduced himself he started the lesson.

A few hours later...................

Gaster: "Welcome back! Did you find anything?"

Frisk, Chara and the others were back from their latest research.

Chara: "Nothing unfortunately....... I think we may need a break"

Gaster: "I think you all deserve it, go ahead and sleep a little bit if you want"

Frisk: "I'm not tired, thanks"

Sans: "Guess I'll have a BED time"

Papyrus: "SANS! Stop with this puns! It is the day that you say those!"

Asriel and Chara went to visit Asgore, while Sans and Papyrus went to sleep.

Frisk: "Can I ask you something Gaster?"

Gaster: "Sure!"

Frisk: "How was Darko's father?"

Gaster: "Well............we never were friends but............it's was a nice guy, a little bit taciturn, but at least he was friendly!"

Frisk: "Oh............and when he............died?"

Gaster: "Strangely I didn't find anything about his grave or his death, but maybe, believing him a criminal they did not bury him."
Frisk: "Have you ask Darko about him?"

Gaster: "I think I'll wait before asking him, reliving that moment would be painful."

Frisk: "You're right......... By the way have you see anything on the radar?"

Gaster: "I'm trying right now, but no.........!!!!"

Frisk: "What's up? Did you find something!?"

Gaster: "I don't know if it's important, but there is a great signal of power in a forest near this valley"

Frisk looked the radar, it didn't take so long to realize where the signal come from......

Frisk: "That valley......"

Gaster: "What?"

Frisk: "It's the same one where I fought with Betty.........or whatever she was in that moment"

Gaster: "Great! It's her without no doubt! Call the others, it's time to know the truth!"

Frisk: "Ok....... Oh and Gaster......"

Gaster: "Yes Frisk?"

Frisk: "Call Darko too....... it's pretty strong and smart for one of his age...... maybe he'll be useful"

Gaster: "Sure...... I'll call him after a few minutes......I have to finish some tests"

Frisk: "Ok bye Gaster!"

Gaster: "Good luck Frisk!"

Meanwhile at school......

Toriel was ending her lesson but............

A scream comes out towards orange class.

Toriel and the other teachers opened the door and they saw all the kids closets on the ground, covered by blood, after that they saw a thing similar to the pink blobs of Betty, but it was dark purple.

That thing jumped outside the window and ran away.

Toriel found Darko passed out with some cut on his head.

Toriel: "Are you ok Tom?!"

Darko woke up a little bit dizzy for the fight with that blob.

Darko: "I'm fine......... I'm just surprised that stupid blob was so powerful!"

Toriel: "Who cares! What happened exactly?!"

Darko: "I was ending my lesson when that thing broke the window and stab the children......I tried my best but he was too fast for me"

Toriel said with a sad face: "At least you tried...... you're lucky that blob didn't kill you"

Darko: "You're right......actually it's strange......why it spared me?"

Toriel: "Who knows......but look...."

Toriel: "......for now lest just run to Gaster's lab and then we'll decide what to do"

Darko nodded: "Ok! Let's go!"

After gets up with the help of Toriel, they started to go to the lab, but at half of the way......

Darko: "By the way Toriel......"

Toriel: "Yes?"

Darko: "I'm sorry to tell you this but.........I lied"

Toriel: "Uh? About what?"

Darko: "Asgore didn't spare me"

Toriel: "What? But why did you li......"

Before the queen could even finish, the professor hit she behind the neck with a halberd, making her passed out.

Darko: "Sorry Toriel, but no one will be in my way...."

Darko: "I spared you only because......what doesn't kill you...."

Darko: "....... ONLY MAKES ME STRONGER!!!"

The young professor leaves Toriel in the middle of the street, teleporting himself at Gaster's lab.

Gaster: "Tom? Why are you here?"

Darko: "Toriel is coming...... she'll explain you everything happen"

Gaster: "Anyway......we found Betty, or her position at least......here"

Gaster gave him the coordinates, and Tom started to went outside......

Darko: "Hey Gaster....... Do you have a nickname?"

Gaster: "No......Why?"

Darko: "Because every man of science I have met have it"

Gaster: "Oh really? What's yours?"

Tom grin: "D.P.D."

Gaster: "Doctor Professor Darko"

Darko: "Exactly......bye Gaster"

Gaster: "Bye Tom" 

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