October Writing Challenge Day 7: Torture

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Kaito awoke with a soft groan, the last thing he could remember last night was chasing after the Phantom Theif while Shuichi yelled at him to stop. That's when he noticed he was tied to a chair and that alone made Kaito's heart skip a beat. He tugged at the ropes holding his arms and legs before freezing at the sound of a door opening and closing followed by footsteps.

"Morning sleepy head! You're finally up Kaito!" The voice of Kokichi Ouma chirped while walking into Kaito's view.

"Let me go!" Kaito snapped and watched how Kokichi only walked closer and placed a finger under his chin, forcing him to look up at those indigo orbs.

"Oh, I will let you go my precious Momo-Chan! But first I need you to answer a few questions, " Kokichi cooed in a sweet tone while shifting to sit in Kaito's lap. Kaito already didn't like the situation and that feeling only skyrocketed when he felt Kokichi slip a hand under his shirt.

"Wh-What the hell are you doing!?"

"Now now Momo-Chan! I'm the one asking the questions! Now, what does Shuichi know about me and DICE?"

"What should I tell you?"

"Because I'll do this if you don't, "

A mischievous grin tugged at Kokichi's lips before he started wriggling his fingers across Kaito's sides and stomach, drawing loud laughter from Kaito. "S-STOHOHHOP!" Kaito yelled between laughs "NOHO MORE!"

"Are you going to answer my question?" Kokichi asked with an innocent smile and bat of his eyelashes.

"NE-EHVER!" Kaito laughed out while trying to squirm away from Kokichi's touch.

"Then I guess I can't stop!" Kokichi giggled as he continues his assault. Kaito could feel his sides and ribs starting to ache from the torturest tickles, he knew he couldn't last much longer.

"OK OK!" Kaito caved and much to his relief, Kokichi stopped his attack. Kaito took this chance to catch his breath as he let out a few lingering giggles.

"So are you gonna tell me what you know, " Kokichi smiled while wrapping his arms around Kaito's shoulders.

"You're such a brat sometimes, " Kaito chuckled out before hearing the door open and hearing Shuichi's voice call out.

"Are you two done playing?" Shuichi chuckled while flipping the light switch on and pulling the two from their game. "Untie Kaito and come upstairs, dinner is ready, " Shuichi smiled as he looks at his two boyfriends.

"But Shuichiiii! We were getting to the good part!" Kokichi pouted but Shuichi just shook his head before uniting Kaito from the chair.

"Come on I worked hard on tonight's dinner!" Shuichi chuckled and as soon as Kaito was freed, he stood up and picked Kokichi up with him. "You two can continue after you eat, "

With a defeated sigh, Kokichi nodded and the three-headed back upstairs for dinner.

The next them is *drumroll* 

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